Metroid Construction
I do know ASM, I just don't know how to do anything with it.

-> Patches

All kinds of cool edits that you can add to your hack, from graphics to custom programming. Be sure to check out the [txt] links to get more info on these, as some of them require a little bit of know-how to use properly. If you would like to submit a patch, you can do so Here.

READ THIS if you don't know what you're doing.

Last update: August 8th, 2015.

Patch name Patch info Download
-- -- --
Patch by Adamf
Energy Tank Sizing new! [txt] [zip]
Save Refills new! [txt] [zip]
Weapon Tank new! [txt] [zip]
-- -- --
Patch by Auximines
(GFX) Justin Bailey [txt], [1], [2] [zip, h?]
-- -- --
Patch by BigDomino
(GFX) New doors [txt] [zip]
-- -- --
Patches by Black Falcon
Acid mod [txt] [uh]
Chain blocks [txt], [1] [uh, zip]
Custom debug menu for sounds new! [txt], [1] [uh], [asm]
Fix Morph [txt] [uh, zip]
FlexGlow [txt], [1] [rar]
HUD Hack 2.5 fix! [txt], [1] [zip]
Metroid Prime 2 blocks [txt] [asm]
Missile of Destruction [txt] [uh]
Morph roll [txt] [asm]
Shinespark control [txt], [1] [zip]
Skipping Ceres v1.1 [with fly-to-Zebes cutscene] new! [txt], [1] [rar]
Skipping Ceres v2.2 new! [txt] [uh], [asm]
Spinjump Restart and MorphRoll combination [txt] [asm]
Upside down gates [for classic SMILE] [txt] [zip]
Yellow Scrolls 1.2 [txt] [uh, zip]
-- -- --
Patches by Bloodsonic
(GFX) Fake Aegis new! [txt], [1], [2] [rar]
Menu Colored Samus new! [txt] [uh]
Metroid Prime Suits new! [txt] [uh], [h]
Mini metroid [txt] [uh]
-- -- --
Patch by Cloud14
Reflecting heat effect [txt], [1] [uh]
(GFX) Erodia new! [txt], [1] [zip]
-- -- --
Patch by Cpt. Glitch
(GFX) Custom Suit Palettes new! [txt] [zip]
-- -- --
Patches by Crashtour99
Anti abuse timers and grapple fix [txt] [asm]
Beam specific shot blocks [txt], [1] [zip]
Charge beam healing [txt] [asm]
Double jump [txt] [asm]
E-Tank mod [txt] [asm]
Morphball glow [txt], [1] [asm]
Screw attack blocks [txt] [asm]
Separate speed settings for Screwattack and Spacejump [txt] [asm]
Spinjump animation improvement [txt] [zip]
Shinespark timer [txt], [1] [asm]
-- -- --
Patches by Crys
(GFX) Aurora [txt] [gfx]
(GFX) GBX style CRE new! [txt] [uh]
(GFX) Fusion Morph Ball [txt] [uh]
(GFX) Fusion ship [txt] [zip, uh]
(GFX) Generic stone FG [txt] [gfx]
(GFX) Kirby doors [txt] [gfx]
(GFX) Koopa shell morph ball [txt], [1] [uh]
(GFX) Morph ball animation [txt] [gfx]
(GFX) Planet Awesome [txt], [1] [gfx]
(GFX) Ring Ball [txt] [uh]
(GFX) Sonic Advance 3 GFX [txt] [zip]
(GFX) Zero Mission morph ball [txt], [1] [uh], [gfx]
-- -- --
Patch by Daltone
Power/Bomb jump damage [txt] [asm]
-- -- --
Patch by DarkSamus aka Gohan
(GFX) MF Techno Tileset [txt], [1] [rar]
(GFX) Pipe Tiles [txt] [7zip]
-- -- --
Patches by Drewseph
Crystal Flashing disassembly [txt] [asm]
Quicksand routine [txt] [asm]
-- -- --
Patches by DSO
Multi-Layer3 new! [txt] [uh]
20 Tilesets repoint [txt] [uh], [asm]
Critical Hit [co-authored by JAM] [txt] [asm]
Door fade [txt] [asm]
Layer 2 transparency BTS [txt], [1] [asm]
Moon gravity [txt] [asm]
Palette blends [txt] [uh]
Palette blends edit [txt] [asm]
Start screen haze removal [txt], [1], [2] [asm]
Tileset repoint [txt] [uh]
-- -- --
Patch by Fizzer
Death Troids new! [txt] [uh]
-- -- --
Patches by Flamestar666
Beam-switch BTS [txt], [1] [asm]
Critical health warning [txt], [1] [uh]
Heatbit [txt], [1] [asm]
Maru Mari [txt], [1] [uh]
Reverse Gravity ASM file [txt], [1] [zip]
Stand-still healing [txt], [1] [asm]
Tileset repoint [txt] [rar, uh]
-- -- --
Patch by fuducker81
(GFX) Blank file fix! [txt] [gfx]
-- -- --
Patch by FullOfFail, Jathys, Mon732, Scyzer, and PJBoy
Destruction Timer - Draygon fix! [txt] [asm]
-- -- --
Patches by GF_Kennon
Debug room access [txt] [uh], [h]
KraidKar [txt] [uh]
MZM styled speed booster [txt], [1], [2] [uh], [h]
(GFX) Chozodia3 [1] [zip]
(GFX) Chozodia6 [1] [zip]
(GFX) Chozo ruins BG [1] [zip]
(GFX) Corroded Tourian -- [zip]
(GFX) Doombase entrance -- [zip]
(GFX) Frigate -- [zip]
(GFX) Gradius -- [zip]
(GFX) Ground frost -- [zip]
(GFX) Iron caves -- [zip]
(GFX) Planet Rage -- [zip]
(GFX) Planets -- [zip]
(GFX) Reef [1] [zip]
(GFX) Rustworks -- [zip]
(GFX) Samus' home -- [zip]
(GFX) Samus' home 2 -- [zip]
(GFX) Signs -- [zip]
(GFX) StarFox planet edit -- [zip]
(GFX) StarFox planet rip -- [zip]
(GFX) Tallon IV [1] [zip]
(GFX) Touz -- [zip]
-- -- --
Patches by Grime
Door heal ASM [txt] [asm]
(GFX) Energy bombs [txt], [1] [zip, uh]
(GFX) Message box hack [txt] [uh]
(GFX) New beam items [txt], [1] [uh]
(GFX) New beams [txt], [1] [uh]
(GFX) New water [txt], [1], [2] [zip]
(GFX) Phazon suit v1.0 [txt], [1], [2] [uh]
(GFX) Red Brinstar "HD" [txt], [1] [zip]
(GFX) "RINKA" enemy edits [txt] [zip]
(GFX) "SoAlien" tileset [txt], [1], [2] [zip]
(GFX) "SoAlien" tileset v2.0 [txt], [1] [zip]
-- -- --
Patches by InsomniaDX
Anti map new! [txt] [uh]
Blue Suit new! [txt] [uh]
Boost Ball [txt] [zip]
Lava style damage block [txt], [1] [uh], [asm]
Morph lock [txt] [uh]
No damage Shinespark new! [txt] [uh]
-- -- --
Patch by iRundas
Metroid Fusion Suit Palettes [txt], [1], [2] [uh]
-- -- --
Patches by JAM
$100 extra events [txt] [rar, uh]
9 new room events [txt] [rar, uh]
99 minutes of timer [txt] [rar, uh]
136 new rooms [txt] [rar, uh]
Accel Charge item v0.9 [txt] [rar, uh]
Boss music fix [txt] [rar, uh]
Boulder enemy info [discovered by Cardweaver] [for classic SMILE] [txt] [rar]
Bugfix compilation v1.00 [patches by Kejardon and Red_M0nk3y] [txt] [rar, uh]
Ceres & Debug usage v1.1 [for classic SMILE] [txt] [rar, uh]
Ceres & Debug usage v1.2 [for SMILE JX] [txt] [rar, uh]
Chaos Arms item [txt] [rar, uh]
CRE removing interval [txt] [rar]
Ending time alteration [txt] [rar]
Ending time alteration v2 [txt] [rar]
Event doors [txt] [rar, uh]
Extra event doors [txt] [rar, uh]
FF events and tubes [txt] [rar, uh]
Golden Torizo code expansion [txt] [rar, uh]
Heated blue echoes fix [txt] [rar, uh]
Item events v1 [txt] [rar, uh]
Item events v2 [txt] [rar, uh]
Level entries fix v1.11 [based on Sadiztyk patch] [for classic SMILE] [txt] [rar]
Logo extension patch [txt] [rar, uh]
Long Beam item v1.04 fix! [txt] [rar, uh]
Map data cleaner [txt] [rar, uh]
Map tiles fix [txt], [1] [rar, uh]
Message Box v2 [original code made by Kejardon] [txt] [asm]
Message Box v3.1 [original code made by Kejardon] [txt] [rar]
Message Box v4 [original code made by Kejardon] [txt] [rar]
Messenger [txt] [rar, uh]
Messenger v1.1 [txt] [rar, uh]
Metroid 1 PLMs [txt] [rar, uh]
Morphing Ball fix [txt] [uh]
New items percentage fix [txt] [rar, uh]
Ninja Pirates shot reflection [txt] [rar, uh]
One beam patch [original code made by Kejardon] [txt] [rar, uh]
Palette blend v2 [original code made by DSO] [txt] [rar]
PLM repoint v1.11 [based on patch at Super Metroid Wiki] [txt] [rar, uh]
PLM repoint v2.1 [based on patch at Super Metroid Wiki] fix! [txt] [rar, uh]
Reserve energy safety fuse [txt], [1], [2] [rar, uh]
Reserve energy safety fuse v2 [txt], [1] [rar, uh]
Ridley defeating state [txt] [uh]
Save Station extension [txt] [rar, uh]
Scroll repoint v1.11 [txt] [rar, uh]
Scrolling Sky Fix v2 new! [txt] [uh]
Space Time Beam fix [txt] [rar, uh]
Start with items v1.01 [txt] [asm]
Start with items v2 [txt] [rar]
Stronger orange doors v2 [txt] [rar]
Stronger yellow doors [txt] [uh]
SuperMap [txt] [rar, uh]
SuperMap v1.1 [txt], [1] [rar, uh]
Text area names centering [txt], [1], [2] [rar, uh]
Timer change v2 [txt] [rar, uh]
Upside down and opened gates [for classic SMILE] [txt] [rar]
Upside down gate fix [txt], [1], [2] [rar, uh]
Vanilla map fix [txt], [1], [2] [rar, uh]
Vertical doors fix [txt] [uh]
Vertical doors fix v2 [txt] [rar, uh]
Wall Jump item [txt] [rar, uh]
Yellow gate fix [txt] [uh]
-- -- --
Patches by Jathys
Clear memory [txt] [h]
Credit sheet [txt] [zip]
No mini map [patch is not working] -- --
Torizo awakening [txt] [h]
Unique gravity [txt] [h]
-- -- --
Patch by Jefe962
(GFX) Icy Caverns new! [txt], [1] [zip]
(GFX) Inward Doors new! [txt], [1] [gfx]
(GFX) Sloped Brinstar new! [txt], [1] [rar]
-- -- --
Patch by Jordan5
Damage Block new! [txt] [asm]
Door Scroll ASM Template new! [txt] [asm]
Stoke fix new! [txt] [rar]
-- -- --
Patches by Kejardon
Aim anything [txt] [uh]
Aim anything fix [txt] [asm]
Decompression optimization [txt] [zip]
Disappearing blocks [txt] [zip]
Elbow fix [txt] [uh]
Falling damage [txt] [asm]
KejMap 2.0 [txt] [zip]
Message Box v1 [txt] [asm]
No music [single byte change made by Zeke] [txt] [uh], [h]
PLM disassembly [txt], [1] [asm]
Quick intro text new! [txt] [uh], [asm]
Reflec fix [txt] [uh]
Spinjump restart [co-authored by Sadiztyk] [txt] [uh], [asm]
Super Missile fix v1.2 [edited by JAM] [txt] [uh]
-- -- --
Patch by MATHGODpi
Palettes and tiles from SM New Zebes [txt] [rar]
-- -- --
Patches by Metaquarius
Alternate Zebes new! [txt], [1] [zip]
Classic Brinstar new! [txt], [1] [ips]
Classic Ridley new! [txt], [1] [ips]
Crashed Frigate Song (from MP) new! [txt], [1] [zip]
Flipped Kraid Patch new! [txt], [1] [uh]
Teehee Valley Song new! [txt], [1] [zip]
-- -- --
Patches by Mettyk25jigsaw
4 set of enemies [txt], [1] [7zip]
4 set of enemies separated [txt], [1] [7zip]
Door Map tiles new! [txt], [1] [rar]
Extra doors patch [txt] [7zip]
HUD 2.5 Fix new! [txt] [uh]
Sprock Ball new! [txt] [uh]
-- -- --
Patch by Mon732
(GFX) Wrecked Ship 90 degrees turn new! [txt], [1] [zip]
-- -- --
Patch by MoogleEmperor
Missile station enhancer [txt] [asm]
-- -- --
Patch by Knuckles
Screw-Attack Redesign new! [txt], [1] [uh]
-- -- --
Patch by Nu Zalem
Phantoon GFX fix [txt] [zip]
-- -- --
Patch by person701
Charge Beam mod new! [txt] [7zip]
Charge Power Ammo new! [txt] [asm]
Infinite Bomb Jump Prevention new! [txt] [asm]
Universal Missile Block new! [txt] [asm]
-- -- --
Patches by PJMan aka PJBoy
PLM repoint [txt] [rar]
PLM Repoint Fix [txt] [uh], [asm]
Scrolling Sky Fix new! [txt] [uh], [asm]
-- -- --
Patches by ProjectXVIII
Zero Suit death animation [txt], [1] [uh]
-- -- --
Patch by Qactis
(GFX) Synergy tileset 1 [txt], [1], [2] [rar]
-- -- --
Patch by Quietus
(GFX) Vanilla Slopes new! [txt], [1], [2], [3] [gfx]
-- -- --
Patches by Quote58 aka Shadow96
Beam switching [txt] [asm]
Boost Ball Revamp new! [txt] [zip]
Game Timer on HUD new! [txt] [asm]
Game Timer on HUD v2 new! [txt], [1] [uh], [asm]
Organized CRE [no longer available] [txt] --
Super Missile upgrade (Fusion style) [txt] [uh], [asm]
(GFX) Fusion GFX [txt] [zip]
-- -- --
Patches by Rakki
CRE patch [txt] [uh]
Door speed-ups [txt] [uh]
-- -- --
Patch by reaper901
Infinity bomb jump [txt] [uh]
-- -- --
Patches by Red-M0nk3y aka A_red_monk_called_Key
Fix Samus [txt], [1] [uh]
Fix Samus body leap [txt], [1] [uh]
Gray Door open new! [txt] [asm]
New door ASM [txt] [zip]
Small savestations [txt] [zip]
(GFX) 2 GFX from SM PE [txt], [1] [zip]
(GFX) M2 Ship [txt], [1] [rar]
(GFX) Old SM PE doors and CRE parts [txt], [1] [zip]
(GFX) SM Phason 0.2 [txt] [rar]
(GFX) SM Ship 1 [txt], [1] [uh]
(GFX) SM Ship 2 [txt], [1] [uh]
(GFX) SM Ship 3 [txt], [1] [uh]
(GFX) SM Ship 4 [txt], [1] [uh]
(GFX) SM Ship 5 [txt], [1] [uh]
-- -- --
Patch by rolando
MF and MZM doors [txt] [gfx]
-- -- --
Patches by Sadiztyk aka Scyzer
LTTP spikes [GFX made by Grime] [txt] [zip, uh]
Morph doors V1.0 [GFX made by Grime] [txt] [zip, uh]
Multivator [txt] [asm]
Samus draw flag new! [txt] [uh]
Save / Load [txt] [zip]
Shot-Block Overflow Fix new! [txt] [asm]
Super Metroid Prime styled HUD [txt] [zip]
Variable solid + non-solid blocks [txt], [1] [zip, uh]
-- -- --
Patches by Shadow34370
Air tubes [txt], [1], [2] [asm], [uh]
Start with morph ball [txt] [asm], [uh]
-- -- --
Patch by silverpaw84
Space Pirate recolors -- [zip]
-- -- --
Patch by Silver Skree
Energy to ammo conversion [txt], [1] [asm]
-- -- --
Patches by SMILEUser96
AntiDoom [txt] [asm]
Doom [txt] [asm]
Lose supplies [txt] [asm]
Physics hex tweaks new! [txt] [asm]
Remote bombs new! [txt], [1] [rar]
Supply refiller [txt], [1] [asm]
Title sequence tweaks new! [txt] [asm]
(GFX) Metroid Fusion doors [txt] [gfx]
-- -- --
Patches by snipereighteen
Slow damage block [txt] [rar, uh]
(GFX) Kirby's Adventure NES Vegetable Valley [txt] [rar]
-- -- --
Patch by softglow
Item-passable blocks new! [txt] [zip]
-- -- --
Patch by Spo0kyMagician
(GFX) Spo0kyMagician's Custom Tiles new! [txt], [1] [gfx]
-- -- --
Patch by stat!k
(GFX) Custom doors [txt] [rar]
-- -- --
Patches by squishy_ichigo
Acid Palette Swap new! [txt] [uh]
Event PLM [txt] [rar]
Morph lock edit [txt] [uh]
Template v1.2.1 [txt] [rar]
Timer change [txt] [uh]
(GFX) Inertia stuff [txt] [rar]
(GFX) Zero Mission GFX rips [txt] [rar]
-- -- --
Patches by The Monster of Surrealton
NES suit palette set new! [txt], [1] [rar]
Prime suit palette set new! [txt], [1] [rar]
Other M suit palette set new! [txt], [1] [rar]
Surrealton suit palette set new! [txt], [1] [rar]
-- -- --
Patch by tn44
Death animation patch [txt] [uh]
-- -- --
Patches by Vismund
(GFX) Maridia Reef new! [txt], [1] [rar]
-- -- --
Patches by Webber1900 aka Charmander106
Enhanced Charge-Beam Healing new! [txt] [uh]
Gravity Suit Immunity To Spikes update [txt] [uh]
(GFX) Castlevania SOTN - Abandoned Mines 1 [txt], [1] [rar]
(GFX) Castlevania SOTN - Abandoned Mines 2 new! [txt], [1] [rar]
(GFX) Zero Mission - styled items [txt], [1] [zip]
-- -- --
Patch by XavierSMRH
HighGravBlocks [txt] [asm]
-- -- --
Patches by Drevan Zero and snarfblam (for Metroid)
Combined blocks [txt] [uh], [asm]
Damaging blocks [txt] [uh], [asm]
Healy blocks [txt] [uh], [asm]
-- -- --
Patches by Phazar (for Metroid Fusion)
No intro (MF) [txt] [ips]
Spazer on status screen (MF) [txt] [ips]
-- -- --
Patches by uNsane (for Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission)
Charged normal shots (MF) [txt] [ups]
Charged normal shots (ZM) [txt] [ups]
Enemy vulnerability (ZM) [txt] [ups]
Frozen minimap (MF) [txt] [ips]
One beam (ZM) [txt] [ips]
Regen hack (ZM) [txt] [ips]

Site design by begrimed