Sound locations
by Black Falcon, Grime, Flamestar666 and Kejardon

Projectile sounds
Active enemy sounds
Other in-game sounds
Library 1 sounds
Library 2 sounds
Library 3 sounds

Doc'd by Black Falcon

Various offsets to edit the sounds for beams, their combos + charge version as well as missile sounds when fired.

Beams & missiles use library 1 sounds; specifically, sounds 03-04, 0B-22 and C2.

|                                               |

$8428F: 0B      > Power                 no
$84291: 0D      > Wave                  no
$84293: 0C      > Ice                   no
$84295: 0E      > Ice + Wave            no
$84297: 0F      > Spazer                no
$84299: 12      > Spazer + Wave         no
$8429B: 10      > Spazer + Ice          no
$8429D: 11      > Spazer + Wave + Ice   no
$8429F: 13      > Plasma                no
$842A1: 16      > Plasma + Wave         no
$842A3: 14      > Plasma + Ice          no
$842A5: 15      > Plasma + Ice + Wave   no

$842A7: 17      > Power                 yes
$842A9: 19      > Wave                  yes
$842AB: 18      > Ice                   yes
$842AD: 1A      > Ice + Wave            yes
$842AF: 1B      > Spazer                yes
$842B1: 1E      > Spazer + Wave         yes
$842B3: 1C      > Spazer + Ice          yes
$842B5: 1D      > Spazer + Wave + Ice   yes
$842B7: 1F      > Plasma                yes
$842B9: 22      > Plasma + Wave         yes
$842BB: 20      > Plasma + Ice          yes
$842BD: 21      > Plasma + Wave + Ice   yes

$83D06: C2      > Hyper
$842BF: 00      > Unused Plasma + Spazer combo)

$842C1: 03      > Missile
$842C3: 04      > Super missile

Doc'd by Grime

These aren't the same as "enemy hurt sounds" which can be edited right in SMILE. You only need to edit the middle value (A9 ## 00). Keep in mind what library the sounds are in. Values listed from top to bottom as I found them in the ROM, so some sounds are scattered around. The sounds are pretty isolated, so changing one shouldn't affect other things unless noted.

Values described as "?????" are ones I either couldn't hear any changes to after editing, or didn't check since the library sound used was mute or used to clear other sustaining sounds. The latter mostly applies to "B9 00 00" instructions. I didn't feel like breakpointing each one.

Below sounds JSL to 8090CB and use library 2
111F2C - A9 34 00 = Noise for Saboten puffing out and shooting its cactus needles.
113C2A - A9 65 00 = Noise for Rio swooping down at Samus (big bulky Brinstar fly things).
114359 - A9 65 00 = Noise for big bulky Norfair fly things swopping down at Samus.
1108D0 - A9 0E 00 = Noise that Boyon (yellow slime) makes when it hops up and down.
11107B - A9 1B 00 = Giant "Kame" turtle ramming into walls.
1114D1 - A9 3A 00 = Giant "Kame" turtle's swishing sound as it flies through the air.
112764 - A9 4D 00 = Low pulsing hum of Samus' ship hovering up and down.
113F36 - A9 0D 00 = Splash sound of red "Squeept" enemies from Norfair hopping in and out of lava.
114825 - A9 64 00 = Blue "Holtz" enemies from lower Norfair swooping down at Samus.
114B6D - A9 0E 00 = Giant green snail things from Maridia poking its mouth... things out at Samus.
114FD7 - A9 63 00 = ?????
1153B8 - A9 57 00 = ?????
11670F - A9 61 00 = Lava dragons in Norfair spitting fireballs at Samus.
1189EB - A9 5B 00 = Metal skree diving down at Samus.
118A54 - A9 5C 00 = Metal skree burrowing into the ground.
11BA7A - A9 56 00 = "BANG" absorbing damage from Samus' beam shots, presumably. Haven't tested.
11C70E - A9 5B 00 = Skree diving down at Samus.
11C777 - A9 5C 00 = Skree burrowing into the ground.
11DC72 - A9 57 00 = ?????
11EAA7 - A9 50 00 = Metroid sounds while draining Samus.
1208CA - A9 54 00 = ?????
120A22 - A9 3B 00 = ?????
120CFD - A9 74 00 = Crocomire roaring.
120D09 - A9 25 00 = Crocomire raking his claws into the ground.
120DA5 - A9 75 00 = Crocomire's bones collapsing after he dies.
120E91 - A9 3B 00 = Crocomire falling through the blocks at the end of his room.
120FD5 - A9 76 00 = Crocomire walking backwards.
1214FD - A9 77 00 = Crocomire's dying roars after falling into lava.
1218AC - A9 2B 00 = Crocomire's room shaking before he breaks down the wall of spikes.
121982 - A9 29 00 = Crocomire pushing down the wall of spikes (first sound)
1219C0 - A9 30 00 = Crocomire pushing down the wall of spikes (second sound).
121A7E - A9 25 00 = Crocomire's skeleton landing on the ground, right before it collapses.
12E9A7 - A9 29 00 = Spore Spawn's room shifting colors after he is killed.
12E6E8 - 2C 2C 00 = Spore Spawn opening and exposing his core.
12E9A7 - A9 29 00 = Spore Spawn's last noise as he dries up and dies.
12E9EB - A9 25 00 = Spore Spawn's death explosions.
1308A9 - A9 42 00 = Big round gray boulders breaking (first sound).
1308D5 - A9 43 00 = Big round gray boulders breaking (second sound).
13099B - A9 42 00 = ????? (unused "KZAN"?).
1309B6 - A9 43 00 = ????? (unused "KZAN"?).
130C18 - A9 1B 00 = Bloody spike platforms ("KZAN") from Wrecked Ship/Lower Norfair crashing down.
130DB1 - A9 61 00 = Fire pillars from Lower Norfair ("HIBASHI") shooting upwards.
131948 - A9 5E 00 = Fire rings from lower Norfair ("PUROMI")
131B1E - A9 3F 00 = Mini Kraid firing spikes from its belly.
131BBC - A9 16 00 = Mini Kraid roaring and spitting rocks.
132ACD - A9 4E 00 = Ceres Ridley flying away before the escape timer starts.
13364C - A9 76 00 = ?????
137838 - A9 25 00 = Ceres door exploding during escape sequence when Samus enters elevator room.
13AF95 - A9 2D 00 = Kraid roaring.
13B650 - A9 76 00 = Kraid's footsteps.
13D9DE - A9 24 00 = Phantoon's death explosions (first sound).
13D9E7 - A9 2B 00 = Phantoon's death explosions (second sound).
13DA7E - A9 7E 00 = Phantoon's final slow death roar/groan.
13DDB9 - A9 73 00 = Phantoon's hurt sound when his HP reaches 0 (lolwut).
13DDDC - A9 73 00 = Phantoon's hurt sound.
13EA2F - A9 33 00 = Etecoons chirping (first sound).
13EB8E - A9 32 00 = Etecoons chirping (second sound).
13EE36 - A9 33 00 = Etecoons chirping (third sound).
13EE8C - A9 33 00 = Etecoons chirping (fourth sound? Couldn't hear any difference).
13F6BE - A9 3D 00 = Dachora "pressing down" after running and charging its shinespark.
13F6E5 - A9 39 00 = Dachora running and gaining speed booster echoes.
13F7CA - A9 3B 00 = Dachora shinesparking.
13F892 - A9 3C 00 = Dachora crashing into the ceiling after shinesparking.
140791 - A9 5E 00 = Mini Draygon's noise. Not the same ones that appear in the boss room.
141135 - A9 17 00 = Blue "EYE" enemies shining their yellow light on Samus.
141174 - A9 71 00 = Stops the "EYE" enemy's light sound? Probably shouldn't edit.
14213E - A9 2F 00 = Yapping maw ("HAND") enemies clamping their jaws together.
1450B8 - A9 68 00 = Robot enemies in Wrecked Ship walking around.
145DBC - A9 5E 00 = Walking dragon enemies ("NDRA") jumping out of the ground.
145F2A - A9 3F 00 = Walking dragon enemies ("NDRA") spitting fireballs at Samus.
1476DC - A9 4C 00 = All variations of "HACHI" spitting acid at Samus after losing their wings.
149AF1 - A9 63 00 = Mother Brain shooting a string of fireballs at Samus from her hand.
149F98 - A9 7F 00 = Mother Brain charging her rainbow beam.
14B52B - A9 6E 00 = Mother Brain taking damage while sitting in her glass casing.
14B944 - A9 71 00 = Stops Mother Brain's rainbow charging sound. Probably can be changed safely.
14BC9E - A9 24 00 = Bomb sounds while Samus is pinned to the wall by Mother Brain's rainbow beam.
14BE0D - A9 71 00 = ????? Probably related to mother brain or the giant metroid. Unused?
14C7C4 - A9 72 00 = ????? Probably related to the giant metroid. Unused?
14C9DA - A9 52 00 = ????? Probably related to the giant metroid. Unused?
14CB13 - A9 72 00 = ????? Probably related to the giant metroid. Unused?
14D5E1 - A9 10 00 = Dried Torizo before the giant metroid'a room collapsing into a pile of dust.
14F2D9 - A9 7D 00 = Giant metroid's "feeling sorry" noise after it drains Samus.
14F360 - A9 52 00 = Giant metroid's last noises as it flies away after draining Samus.
14F77F - A9 78 00 = Giant metroid's noise as it drains the sidehopper, Samus and Mother Brain.
14F999 - A9 52 00 = Giant metroid's noises as it lingers over Samus after draining her.
154610 - A9 27 00 = Bomb Torizo and Golden Torizo's noise while spitting out round projectiles.
154618 - A9 4B 00 = Bomb Torizo and Golden Torizo's footsteps.
15538F - A9 34 00 = Golden Torizo spawning eggs from its belly when it's very low on health.
155397 - A9 67 00 = Golden Torizo firing ring-shaped projectiles from its eyes down at Samus.
15539F - A9 48 00 = Seems related to Bomb/Golden Torizo, but I didn't notice any changes.
15657F - A9 1C 00 = Chozo statues in Wrecked Ship/Lower Norfair gripping onto Samus.
156587 - A9 4B 00 = Chozo statue's footsteps while carrying Samus to gravity suit in Wrecked Ship.
16F414 - A9 25 00 = Mother Brain's head falling to the ground after being killed by hyper beam.
190898 - A9 66 00 = ????? Space pirate sound, but I couldn't hear any changes.
196F95 - A9 66 00 = Climbing space pirates jumping from one wall to another.
199752 - A9 7C 00 = Botwoon spitting his 5 green projectiles at Samus.
19957B - A9 24 00 = Botwoon's body parts hitting the ground, and blocks breaking (first sound).

Below sounds JSL to 8090A3 and use library 2
10401 - A9 71 00 = Muted sound after Ceres escape music ends when Samus steps onto the elevator.
10480 - A9 71 00 = ?????
1051D - A9 71 00 = Muted sound after Zebes escape music ends when Samus flies off on her ship.
15D49 - A9 71 00 = Muted sound after Samus dies, but before the death animation triggers.
1626F - A9 71 00 = Muted sound when Samus goes through a door.
20C2B - B9 00 00 = ?????
3032D - B9 00 00 = ?????
13AFA0 - A9 2E 00 = Kraid's dying roars.
13E9CC - A9 35 00 = Etecoons singing their little tune before they start walljumping.
13F5B4 - A9 1D 00 = Dachora chirping when Samus gets near it.
13F66E - A9 71 00 = ????? Looks like it goes to Dachora, but I couldn't hear any difference.

Below sounds JSL to 8090AD and use library 2
20C61 - B9 00 00 = ?????
30363 - B9 00 00 = ?????
141627 - A9 1F 00 = "FUNE" and "NAMI" spitting fireballs.

Below sounds JSL to 8090B7 and use library 2
20C46 - B9 00 00 = ?????
30348 - B9 00 00 = ?????
11AA6A - B9 00 00 = ????? Looks like it should go to mocktroids, but I couldn't hear a difference.
11D229 - A9 70 00 = Small Maridian snails when Samus knocks them off of a wall.
11D3E3 - A9 70 00 = Small Maridian snails when Samus pushes them around by running into them.
11D497 - A9 70 00 = Small Maridian snails when Samus shoots them with beams or missiles.
134371 - A9 45 00 = "Time bomb set!" text typing itself on-screen after Ceres Ridley flies away.
134666 - A9 24 00 = Ridley's death explosions.
148921 - A9 24 00 = Mother Brain's container exploding and collapsing.
148BC3 - A9 24 00 = Mother Brain's head hitting the floor after her container collapses.
148F75 - A9 29 00 = Mother Brain's body emerging from the floor.
14B24F - A9 10 00 = Mother Brain's dried head crumbling away after she dies.
14B38B - A9 24 00 = Wall behind Mother Brain bursting open after she dies.
14DC37 - A9 10 00 = Dry creatures in Tourian crumbling away after Samus touches them.

Below sounds JSL to 8090C1 and use library 2
20C7C - B9 00 00 = ?????
3037E - B9 00 00 = ?????
36E8D - A9 09 00 = 'Small explosion' death sound. Shared by multiple enemies!
36E99 - A9 24 00 = 'Series of explosions' death sound. Shared by multiple enemies!
36EA5 - A9 0B 00 = 'Killed by screw attack/booster' death sound. Shared by almost all enemies!
370C2 - A9 01 00 = Sound for small energy pick-ups that enemies drop.
370D1 - A9 02 00 = Sound for large energy pick-ups that enemies drop.
370E0 - A9 05 00 = Sound for power bomb pick-ups that enemies drop.
370EF - A9 03 00 = Sound for missile pick-ups that enemies drop.
370FE - A9 04 00 = Sound for super missile pick-ups that enemies drop.
10255A - A9 0B 00 = 'Killed by screw attack/booster' death sound. Shared by almost all enemies!

Below sounds JSL to 809125 and use library 3
10408 - A9 01 00 = Library 3? Stops Samus' health warning after escaping Ceres. Shouldn't edit.
10487 - A9 01 00 = ????? Library 3?
10534 - A9 01 00 = ????? Library 3?
15D50 - A9 01 00 = ????? Library 3?
20C34 - B9 00 00 = ????? Library 3?
2530B - A9 2E 00 = Mother Brain's glass container shattering.
30336 - B9 00 00 = ????? Library 3?
856A7 - A9 01 00 = ????? Library 3?
875A1 - A9 25 00 = Library 3. Plays whenever Samus stops speed boosting.

Below sounds JSL to 80912F and use library 3
20C6A - B9 00 00 = ?????
3036C - B9 00 00 = ?????
850A3 - A9 0F 00 = Shinespark sound if Samus only presses jump and nothing else.
8DAD0 - A9 0C 00 = 'Shinespark stored' sound after Samus presses down while glowing blue.
8FAF3 - A9 03 00 = Samus running with speed booster and gaining blue echoes.

Below sounds JSL to 809139 and use library 3
15C3E - A9 2D 00 = Repeating sound of reserve tanks refilling Samus' energy after it reaches 0.
20C4F - B9 00 00 = ?????
30351 - B9 00 00 = ?????
801F0 - A9 2D 00 = Repeating sound of lava draining Samus' energy.
80232 - A9 2D 00 = Repeating sound of acid draining Samus' energy.
1027DD - A9 0A 00 = ????? Frozen enemy sound; probably affects a specific enemy(s). Not metroids.
1028AB - A9 0A 00 = Frozen enemy sound. Affects most, if not all enemies that can be frozen.
13437A - A9 0D 00 = "Time bomb set!" text typing itself on-screen after Mother Brain dies.
14B091 - A9 13 00 = Multiple explosions as Mother Brain dies and her body fades away.
14C557 - A9 2D 00 = Repeating sound of the giant metroid refilling Samus' energy.
14CDF4 - A9 13 00 = Multiple explosions as the giant metroid dies and falls off-screen.

Below sounds JSL to 809143 and use library 3
20C85 - B9 00 00 = ?????
30387 - B9 00 00 = ?????

Below sounds JSL to 80914D and use library 3
8D21 - A9 01 00 = ?????
9460 - A9 01 00 = ?????
12954 - A9 2A 00 = Sound of the blinking "L" and "R" buttons on the pause screens.
12F7A - A9 2D 00 = Repeating sound of Samus manually using reserve tanks on the equipment screen.
13C0C - A9 23 00 = ?????
13C15 - A9 26 00 = ?????
13C1E - A9 27 00 = ?????
13E27 - A9 01 00 = ?????
13E3C - A9 2B 00 = 'Shinespark stored' sound that substitutes 8DAD0 when Samus stops moving?
20C19 - B9 00 00 = ?????
3031B - B9 00 00 = ?????
31AA0 - A9 1D 00 = Phantoon spawning rows of eye flames during his vulnerable phase.
31AD2 - A9 1D 00 = Phantoon's rows of eye flames hitting the floor during his vulnerable phase.
31D4D - A9 1E 00 = Kraid rising up from the ground; both phases.
34427 - A9 13 00 = Mother Brain's blue/green rings exploding after she spits them at Samus.
34548 - A9 13 00 = Mother Brain's mouth bombs exploding after bouncing along the ground.
34749 - A9 13 00 = Mother Brain's orange fireball string exploding when it hits the wall.
588AF - A9 0D 00 = Sound of green text typing itself on-screen during the game's intro.
5A25B - A9 23 00 = Related to intro music and probably other stuff. Shouldn't edit.
5A263 - A9 26 00 = Related to intro music and probably other stuff. Shouldn't edit.
5A26B - A9 27 00 = Related to intro music and probably other stuff. Shouldn't edit.
5BA9F - A9 23 00 = Related to intro music and probably other stuff. Shouldn't edit.
5BB4A - A9 23 00 = Related to intro music and probably other stuff. Shouldn't edit.
6C67C - B9 00 00 = ?????
6E3A4 - A9 2D 00 = Repeating sound of Samus losing health in heated rooms without varia/gravity.
805A3 - A9 03 00 = Samus gaining speed ala speed booster and getting blue echoes.
8241B - A9 06 00 = Samus' quiet footsteps anytime she's moving along the ground.
8533D - A9 10 00 = Slightly shorter bomb explosion sound; possibly used for a boss somewhere.
86A8F - A9 01 00 = Stops warning beep when Samus' energy raises back up to 32+.
86A9D - A9 02 00 = Warning beep when Samus' energy drops to 31 or lower.
87339 - A9 02 00 = Warning beep 'refreshing' after unpausing the game or collecting an item.
8E6D7 - A9 02 00 = Warning beep again. Probably another refresh under some other conditions.
8F08C - A9 05 00 = Samus landing after a low jump; 'soft landing.'
8F09A - A9 04 00 = Samus landing after a higher jump; 'hard landing.'
8F2E8 - A9 05 00 = Samus kicking off of a wall during a walljump.
11293A - A9 14 00 = Samus' ship opening (used once, only after touching down on Zebes).
11297F - A9 15 00 = Samus' ship closing (used once, only after touching down on Zebes).
112A47 - A9 14 00 = Samus' ship opening (entering ship).
112A8C - A9 15 00 = Samus' ship closing (entering ship).
112B58 - A9 14 00 = Samus' ship opening (exiting ship).
112B9D - A9 15 00 = Samus' ship closing (exiting ship).
116F60 - A9 0E 00 = All gates sounds, except ones with blue/red/green/yellow switches.
119555 - A9 0B 00 = Elevators humming while taking Samus up or down.
1195FE - A9 25 00 = Used to end the elevator hum, but is safe to replace with another sound. ;)
11A983 - A9 2D 00 = Repeating sound of mocktroids draining Samus.
11EE75 - A9 2D 00 = Repeating sound of metroids draining Samus.
11F008 - A9 0A 00 = Metroids getting frozen by ice beam.
12079E - A9 1C 00 = Crocomire firing round projectiles from his mouth.
120D45 - A9 22 00 = Crocomire struggling in acid (bubbling sounds).
129F70 - B9 00 00 = ????? Draygon's death sound?
12E8A5 - B9 00 00 = ????? Draygon-related?
133FD7 - A9 24 00 = ?????
1352C7 - A9 21 00 = Ridley swinging his tail at Samus.
1376BD - A9 2C 00 = Ceres doors opening.
137DAD - A9 09 00 = Sound of Zebetites in Mother Brain's room when shot by Samus.
13B893 - A9 1F 00 = Kraid shooting his belly spike platforms.
13BC1B - A9 1E 00 = Kraid spitting rocks at Samus (before his whole body emerges).
13C528 - A9 1E 00 = Kraid sinking into the ground after he's killed (rumbling sounds).
13CF68 - A9 1D 00 = Phantoon dropping eye flames randomly during the fight.
13CF83 - A9 28 00 = Phantoon firing his eye flames in an outward circle.
13D4BA - A9 1D 00 = Phantoon's eye flames appearing at the very beginning of the fight.
13D8E6 - A9 29 00 = Phantoon firing waves of eye flames after being hit by a super missile.
143E8C - A9 2D 00 = Repeating sound of hopping "NOMI" enemies draining Samus.
149B32 - BD 00 00 = ????? Something to do with Mother Brain. Shouldn't edit.
14CBFF - A9 19 00 = ????? Probably shouldn't edit, based on what sound 19 is.

Doc'd by Flamestar666

1C90 - missile selection click
96FE - copy data move downwwards
9713 - go back on data copy menu
9730 - copy data move upwards
973b - copy data select
9834 - copy to downwards
9870 - copy to back
9880 - copy to select
989C - copy to upwards
99A5 - comfirm copy yes
99CE - confirm copy no
99E3 - confirm copy move cursor
9B9D - data clear downwards
9BA8 - data clear select
9BCD - data clear Upwards
9BD7 - data clear select
9C50 - data clear confirm cancel
9C6C - cata clear confirm cancel 2?
9C83 - data clear confirm cursor
9D2F - data cleared confirmed fade
A1F8 - return to title screen
A1FF - return to title screen 2nd sound
A21A - File select (ABC)
A2B3 - cursor moving file select
A2D2 - data copy select
A2EC - data clear select
A832 - loading into map from world map 1
ABA0 - loading into map from world map 2
ADAC - Starting game from map screen
ADD9 - Loading out to world map from map 1
AFFF - loading out to world map from map 2
112A8 - menu movement click
12565 - switching between equipment/map screen
125C3 - Pressing start when paused
12CDF - highlighting reserve tank in manual mode
12CF8 - highlighting Mode (in manual) from reserve tank
12E9B - changing between manual mode and auto mode
1344B - highlight mode while in auto
13481 - moving cursor over beams downwards
134A3 - moving cursor over beams upwards/moving into beams from boots
134CF - moving downwards on suit/misc
134FD - moving upwards on suit/misc
1352B - moving over boots downwards
13554 - moving over boots upwards
13575 - select on/off equipment sound(noreserve)
13E4C - resume charge sound after unpausing
16D4D - option mode cursor upwards
16D68 - option mode cursor downwards
16D8F - option mode change language
1702C - special setting more cursor upwards
17047 - special setting mode cursot downwards
17064 - special setting mode go back (press B)
17079 - special setting mode selection(pressing a)
17161 - controller config moving cursor up
17187 - controller config moving cursor down
171B6 - controller confid input (all)
80090 - water splash (exiting)
800E0 - entering splash
80180 - bubble1 (underwater)
80185 - bubble2 (underwater)
801F1 - health draining under lava
80232 - damage drain sound under acid
802BD - burning Sound from acid/lava
80453 - Flip sound after walljumping
80464 - Resuming spacejump after walljump
80478 - resuming screw attack after walljump
805A4 - change sound of speed booster boost
8241B - samus's steps
85337 - shinespark hurt (stopping)
8533E - shinespark impact
824Ef - Fliping in water (without gravity suit)
83B41 - charge beam charging (startup)
8414B - bomb explosion
84D83 - Waveshield startup
85AF6 - Waveshield continuation
85A18 - Waveshield end (clears sound)
84E0C - Iceshield ring
84F12 - Iceshield impact
84F6A - Iceshield Break
84E80 - Spazer Shield startup
85C21 - Spazer Shield end
84F01 - Plasma Shield
87457 - Fliping sound while hurt
87460 - spacejump sound while hurt
87469 - screwattack while hurt
87482 - Walljumping while hurt
875C9 - landing a flip
8F067 - landing a flip2 (very fast)
8D591 - varia get
8D669 - gravity get
8D8CE - Samus hurt
8EF31 - xray scope
8F6CC - Flipping to the right
8F6D5 - Spacejump to the right
8F72D - Flipping to the left
8F736 - Spacejump to the left
8F750 - Screwattack
86A9E - low health alarm 1 (does not repeat if not set to 02)
875A1 - impacting into object (running into a wall)
8F08D - soft landing
8F09B - hard landing
8DAD1 - shinespark stored
8FAF4 - sphinespark sound
980f0 - beam impact sound
980FD - Missile impact sound
DC694 - Fire grapple
DC73B - Grapple latch
DC843 - Grapple Break
DC8C6 - Grapple delatch
10255B - death by screwattack/speedboost
1027CC - Impact on "armored" enemies
1108D1 - yellow ooze enemies
111F2D - changes thorn attack on cacti
112764 - samus's ship hover
113C2B - Giant yellow flies in brinstar
11435A - big pink buff fly in norfair

Doc'd by Kejardon

00 = Nothing
01 = Power Bomb
02 = Clear sounds from this library?
03 = Fire Missile
04 = Fire Super Missile
05 = Fire Grapple
06 = Grappling on a block
07 = Short grapple sound, not sure when it's used exactly.
08 = Charge beam
09 = X-Ray
0A = Clear sounds from this library?
0B = Fire beam (Normal)
0C = Fire beam (Ice)
0D = Fire beam (Wave)
0E = Fire beam (Wave/Ice)
0F = Fire beam (Spazer)
10 = Fire beam (Spazer/Ice)
11 = Fire beam (Spazer/Ice/Wave)
12 = Fire beam (Spazer/Wave)
13 = Fire beam (Plasma)
14 = Fire beam (Plasma/Ice)
15 = Fire beam (Plasma/Wave/Ice)
16 = Fire beam (Plasma/Wave)
17 = Fire beam (Charged)
18 = Fire beam (Charged Ice)
19 = Fire beam (Charged Wave)
1A = Fire beam (Charged Wave/Ice)
1B = Fire beam (Charged Spazer)
1C = Fire beam (Charged Spazer/Ice)
1D = Fire beam (Charged Spazer/Wave/Ice)
1E = Fire beam (Charged Spazer/Wave)
1F = Fire beam (Charged Plasma)
20 = Fire beam (Charged Plasma/Ice)
21 = Fire beam (Charged Plasma/Wave/Ice)
22 = Fire beam (Charged Plasma/Wave)
23 = Ice beam shield
24 = Ice beam shield fires off
25 = Spazer shield
26 = Spazer shield fires off
27 = Plasma shield
28 = Wave shield
29 = Nothing?
2A = Samus helmet noise in the start menu
2B = Nothing?
2C = Nothing?
2D = Nothing?
2E = Save station saving
2F = Spin jump sound (full spin sound)
30 = Resuming normal spin jumping
31 = Starting normal spin jumping
32 = Stop spinjump sound?
33 = Screw attack sound. Ramps up then loops
34 = Stop screw-attack sound?
35 = Samus hurt
36 = Map 'click' when moving/scrolling
37 = Selection click when moving on equipment screen or pressing select item.
38 = Sound from when you change between equipment screens, or you toggle an equipped item.
39 = Same as 37 (quieter)
3A = Nothing?
3B = Going from world map to area map when loading saved game
3C = Going from area map to world map when loading saved game
3D = Crumble block
3E = Space jump
3F = Same as 31
40 = Mother brain's laser attack?
41 = Resuming a charged beam, not starting it
42 = Boss death throes (only with Kraid/Crocomire/Phantoon Boss BGM)
43+= Locks up sound and music

Doc'd by Kejardon

00 = Nothing
01 = Health pickup
02 = Health pickup (for large?)
03 = Missile pickup
04 = Missile pickup (for supers?)
05 = Missile pickup (for powerbombs?)
06 = Not sure. Almost sounds like a bomb or a dud shot, but isn't either.
07 = (Super) Missile explosion.
08 = Bomb explosion.
09 = Enemy death sound?
0A = Block break
0B = Enemy death sound (from screw attack, I think)
0C = Enemy death sound? (Insom: Beam dud noise?)
0D = Loud Water splash
0E = Soft Water splash
0F = 'large' Air bubbles
10 = Scraping sound from dust enemies
11 = 'small' Air bubbles
12 = 'one' Air bubble (Tourian?)
13 = 'two' Air bubbles (Tourian?)
14 = 'three' Air bubbles (Tourian?)
15 = nothing?
16 = Boss screaming (only with Kraid/Crocomire/Phantoon Boss BGM)
17 = Low pitch X-ray scope (Does NOT stop, ignores new sounds)
18 = Load game 'hum' (very quiet). Loops infinitely till stopped
19 = Boss gem shattering and goodies inside flying upward.
1A = Explosions + smashing Mother Brain's glass case (Would make a good monster scream when paired with boss BGM...)
1B = A muffled explosion? (Insom: A boulder smashing?)
1C = Wrecked Ship chozo statue gripping Samus (as morph ball)
1D = Dachora chirping noise
1E = Smashing Mother Brain's glass case (Would make a good monster scream when paired with boss BGM...)
1F = Weird tone then a plasma shot sound? (Probably specific enemy sound)
20 = Space pirate barking?
21 = Skree dive bombing / Reo screetch?
22 = Hurt enemy 2? (Pipe enemies)
23 = Hurt enemy 3? (Ball enemies)
24 = Bomb explosion? (Used when escaping Zebes)
25 = Sounds like a missile shot that immediately hits a wall, but muffled (Used when escaping Zebes)
26 = Torizo shooting a cresent thing
27 = Hurt enemy 4 (larger enemies, Torizo)
28 = Bomb explosion
29 = Shot block breaking?
2A = Bomb explosion
2B = Multiple bomb explosions. Not bomb-spread sound.
2C = Either a Draygon scream or a Metroid/Mother Brain scream
2D = Crocomire scream
2E = Crocomire death throes
2F = Yapping maw
30 = Some sort of boss noise
31 = Jumping starfish noise
32 = Etecoon noise
33 = Different etecoon noise
34 = Puffing noise from those super missile giving cacti (saboten)
35 = Etecoon humming the 'item get!' theme
36 = Swooping Norfair enemies
37 = Plugging into and using a missile/energy/map thing
38 = Finished using the aforementioned thing
39 = Speed Booster running
3A = Single spin jump?
3B = Ripping noise, not sure where from.
3C = Missile explosion
3D = Shinespark charged up
3F = Missile launcher noise
40 = A squeaky noise that reminds me of something disengaging
41 = Nothing
42 = Breaking noise, maybe from crumbling chozo statue.
43 = Another explosion, sounds muffled
44 = Nothing
45 = A double-clicking sort of sound
46 = Bubbling used in some rooms where lava rises
47 = Swooping Norfair enemy?
48 = Torizo shooting
49 = Furry wall crawlers from Maridia
4A = Very odd. Sort of a buzzing sound.
4B = Stepping sound from the Wrecked Ship Chozo statue.
4C = Draygon shooting his sticky white stuff ^_^
4D = Low pitch humming sound you hear in the background of some rooms (ie: the one right before the boss statues.)
4E = Slightly different power bomb sound
4F = Splashing sound?
50 = Metroid screech (only works with Tourian/Maridia BGMs)
51 = Some sort of echoing noise
52 = Alternate metroid screech?
53 = Squishing noise
54 = Lower pitched skree noise
55 = Similar to #4A
56 = 'Suit get!' noise
57 = Crumble block?
58 = Another metroid scream
59 = Ridley's roar
5A = Metroid feeding noise?
5B = Skree noise
5C = Skree meets ground
5D = Very subtle noise, sounds like rubbing/scraping
5E = Sounds like a swishing of air made from swinging a large object?
5F = Norfair bouncy ball enemy?
60 = Sounds VERY suitable for a mini-crocomire, but needs to be with a Crocomire/Kraid BGM
61 = Starts off like a power bomb but truncates before getting very high pitched
62 = Scraping noise?
63 = Mother Brain explosion shot
64 = Similar to #61
65 = Swooping horsefly thing from brinstar
66 = Space pirate noise
67 = Space pirate shooting noise
68 = Sounds like same instrument used to make the Kraid/Crocomire boss anticipation BGM
69 = Completely unrecognizable
6A = Puffing noise from those super missile giving cacti things.
6B = Mother Brain eye beam
6C = Subtle knocking noise
6D = Super missile explosion?
6E = Mother Brain (first form) oww noise
6F = Mother Brain (second form) scream
70 = Snail enemy rolling noise
71 = Nothing?
72 = Shitroid feeling sorry noise
73 = Draygon roar/Phantoon scream (Both work flawlessly)
74 = Crocomire roar/Shitroid dies (Both work flawlessly)
75 = Collapsing Crocomire bones (works everywhere o.O)
76 = Super missile explosion?
77 = Crocomire death throes in lava pit
78 = Shitroid feeding off of Samus in Tourian and Maridia BGM/Shitroid feeding off of Mother Brain during with battle's BGM.
79 = Phantoon death throes?
7A = More Phantoon death throes?
7B = Even more Phantoon death throes?
7C = Botwoon barking
7D = Sad Metroid :(
7E = Mother Brain roar
7F = Mother Brain is chargin her laser

Doc'd by Kejardon

00 = Nothing
01 = Clear sounds from this library?
02 = Low Health alarm
03 = Speedrun
04 = Land from jump (loud)
05 = Land from jump (soft)
06 = Footstep
07 = Opening door
08 = Closing door
09 = Hit a red door with a missile
0A = Frozen enemy
0B = Elevator moving
0C = Super jump charged
0D = Typewriter? (during intro text)
0E = Gate moving
0F = Super jump
10 = Similar to bomb, but not as long. Unsure (might be for boss explosions)
11 = Sounds kinda like a block breaking
12 = Clear sounds from this library?
13 = Bomb explosion
14 = Samus's ship door opening
15 = Samus's ship door closing
16 = Block break --> explosion (that's what it sounds like at least)
17 = Space Pirate beam
18 = Nothing
19 = 'Busy' sound.
1A = Nothing
1B = Same instrument as busy sound, random notes
1C = Sounds similar to normal beam
1D = Phantoon's eye flames
1E = Bomb explosion
1F = Missile firing, but very very slightly higher pitched; Kraid firing belly spikes
20 = Nothing
21 = Single spinjump sound
22 = 3 bubbly sounds; Crocomire sinking into acid
23 = Low tone that lasts for about 2 seconds and ends abruptly
24 = Same as above #23, but with a short fade-out
25 = Stop speed running sound?
26 = Low tone that repeats twice and fades out; similar to #23 and #24
27 = Similar to #23, but slightly buzzier sounding
28 = Sounds like Saboten/Mini Kraid when they shoot spikes; repeats 6 times quickly
29 = Similar to #28, but repeats 5 times at a faster rate; Phantoon's super missile reaction
2A = Quiet sound of the "L" and "R" buttons on the pause screen blinking
2B = Repeating speed booster sound after Samus has reached max speed
2C = Ceres doors opening
2D = Low repeating sound when Samus' energy is being drained or refilled by various things
2E = Loud tone that plays 3 descending notes; the rhythm makes me think of enemy hurt sounds
2F = Nothing
30+ = Locks up sound and music

Sounds documented by Black Falcon, Grime, Flamestar666 and Kejardon; converted to HTML by Grime

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