Save Stations aren't that hard to use, just fool around with a back-up, thats what I did! Region : The area it in Ex. Crateria, Brinstar, etc Index : (using SMILE 1.32) The same number as the [low] on the save station PLM RoomID: the room its in Door Data: value for a door that connects to that room, just press "L" over a door in another room that connects to RoomID. Unknown: Usually 0000, sometimes 0001? Scroll X: Horizontal Scroll - Counts "scroll areas" for example, 0000 is the top left 0100 the next one to the right, and so on! Scroll Y: Same as Scroll X, just with vertical. EX. 0000 is the top left, and 0100 is the next one down! Samus Y: Vertical count on pixels 0000 is the top, and inceasing the number goes down Samus X: Horizontal count on pixels 0000 is the middle?, increasing the number goes right Save: Done: