===== SOME MISCELLANEOUS CRAP ======= A1702 - 20 F5 95 to EA EA EA Slightly affects how walljumps behave; sometimes Samus enters the non spinning-jump pose and falls from the wall, or jumps normally off of it without spinning; seems to happen at random around every 1 out of 5 walljumps $90/9D87 22 7F 96 94 JSL $94967F[$94:967F] A:0000 X:0000 Y:0002 P:envmxdiZc 081D87 81D87 - 22 7F 96 94 to EA EA EA EA Disables walljumping while facing to the right. 81DAC - 22 7F 96 94 to EA EA EA EA Disables walljumping while facing to the left 81DF8 - 22 F0 A8 A0 to EA EA EA EA Disables walljumping while facing to the right, but Samus still enters the "about to walljump" pose when it is attempted 81E1B - 22 F0 A8 A0 to EA EA EA EA Disables walljumping while facing to the left, but Samus still enters the "about to walljump" pose when it is attempted 11277D - 20 84 A7 to EA EA EA Removes the "bob up and down" animation of Samus' ship; no other noticable affects that I could see 805A6 - 22 to EA Removes the sound that activates when Samus runs at full speed and gains the blue echoes; no other side-effects that I could observe 80594 - 01 to 00 Disables the blue speed booster effect completely, only allowing Samus to run much faster; however, her legs continue to move at normal running speed 80594 - 01 to 02 Causes the blue speed booster effect to begin earlier than usual 80594 - 01 to 04 Causes the blue speed booster effect to begin much earlier than usual 80594 - 01 to 05 Causes the blue speed booster effect to begin earlier than usual 80594 - 01 to 07 Removes the blue speed booster effect completely, only allowing Samus to run much faster; full-speed sound still activates, shinesparks work normally 80594 - 01 to 08 Removes the blue speed booster effect completely including the sound that activates, only allowing Samus to run much faster; doesn't hurt enemies or run through speed blocks, shinesparks work normally and can be activated sooner 80594 - 01 to 12 Removes the blue from Samus and the echoes behind her but still activates the speed sound, starts earlier than usual, still runs through speed blocks, doesn't harm enemies 8F66F - 22 53 DE 91 to EA EA EA EA Allows Samus to move left/right in the air during a spinning jump without losing the blue speedbooster effect, and walljump if it's done on the first frame of the pose change; nothing else affected 982F3 - 22 53 89 90 to EA EA EA EA Removes the duplicate Samus echoes that trail behind her during speedbooster; sometimes a single echo or two will appear, usually from odd angles or after stopping 10BA0 - 22 44 9B 80 to EA EA EA EA = HUD icons no longer make a "click" sound when cycling through items, nor do they change to green; everything else works normally 10BA4 - 22 AB A3 80 to EA EA EA EA = No longer allows the foreground graphics to scroll, but rooms and everything otherwise function normally; looks rather funny, albeit near-impossible to play this way 10BA8 - 22 BD E8 8F to EA EA EA EA = Slightly chops up the scrolling sky background whenever it scrolls vertically; some possibly interesting applications with the right type of scrolling background . . . 10BAC - 20 69 DB to EA EA EA = Removes the duplicate Samus echoes that trail behind her during speedbooster and shinesparks completely, only causing her to change colors 10BAF - 22 87 86 A0 to EA EA EA EA = Removes the "screen shake" effect that activates when super missiles explode, lava is rising, Zebes is exploding, etc. 10BB3 - 22 69 91 A0 to EA EA EA EA = Disables bomb jumping 10B65 - 22 D4 8F A0 to EA EA EA EA = Makes Samus' ship invisible (Samus can no longer go inside to recharge/save); makes all others enemies vanish completely and only flicker into sight briefly during room transitions 8291E - AD F7 05 to EA EA EA = Disables the automatic pink mapping on the top-right of the screen and on the pause screen's map (for the most part) 86A71 - 8D 23 07 to EA EA EA = Speeds up the fade-to-black sequence when pausing the game, switching to/from the equipment screen and unpausing; possibly affects some other screen-darkening effects throughout the game? A0D32 - 8D 23 07 to EA EA EA = Next phase of the fade-to-black sequence 125CC - 8D 23 07 to EA EA EA = Next phase of the fade-to-black sequence 1137F - 8D 23 07 to EA EA EA = Last phase of the fade-to-black sequence; applying this and the 3 changes above is necessary for all pause-related fade-ins/outs to move quicker 10CE4 - 9C 23 07 = Associated with the fade-to-black sequence above, but modifying the values doesn't seem to influence the speed 110DD - 9C 23 07 = Associated with the fade-to-black sequence above, but modifying the values doesn't seem to influence the speed 11340 - 9C 23 07 = Associated with the fade-to-black sequence above, but modifying the values doesn't seem to influence the speed 113B5 - 9C 23 07 = Associated with the fade-to-black sequence above, but modifying the values doesn't seem to influence the speed 00932 - AD 23 07 to EA EA EA = Removes the sound that plays when game is paused 0095B - AD 23 07 = Not sure what this one does; related to the offset above 01336 - 8E 20 21 = Not sure what this one does; possibly related to the offsets above 8DAD9 - 8D to 8F Infinite shinespark timer with no sound 8DAE0 - AE to ?? Playing with this value produces all sorts of funky colors during the super jump timer. Some of them might look pretty cool. 8DAE0 - AE to EA Changes Samus' suit color to Varia during the shinespark timer; returns to normal after it expires 8DAE1 - 74 to 9C Changes Samus' suit color to Power during the shinespark timer; returns to normal after it expires 8F446 - 20 68 F4 to EA EA EA Disables pressing down to activate shinespark/timer, allows Samus to instantly change directions in air during a spin jump, removes the sound that spinning jumps produce, entering morph ball is now more difficult because pressing down causes Samus to fall while aiming down briefly 85284 - AA to EA Causes vertical shinesparks to remain in-place until Samus' energy drops to 29; diagonal shinesparks go horizotal 8EB37 - 22 F0 A8 A0 = JSL that seems to handle walking/running movement going left 8EB1A - 22 F0 A8 A0 = JSL that seems to handle walking/running movement going right 01C69 - 20 EA 9C to EA EA EA = HUD icons stay green once they're cycled through the first time; everything else works normally 01C60 - 20 EA 9C to EA EA EA = HUD icons don't turn green at all as they're cycled through; everything else works normally 01C92 - 22 49 90 80 to EA EA EA EA = HUD icons no longer make a "click" sound when cycling through items; everything else works normally 01C13 - 20 78 9D to EA EA EA = Removes the number below missiles, making you unable to tell how many you can carry or have left 01C34 - 20 98 9D to EA EA EA = Removes the number below super missiles, making you unable to tell how many you can carry or have left 01C52 - 20 98 9D to EA EA EA = Removes the number below power bombs, making you unable to tell how many you can carry or have left * If the above 3 changes are tested in QuickMet with Samus already having the items, the numbers will appear, but won't count down; playing the game and collecting the items normally fixes this 80E6A - 20 D1 9B = JSR that only handles Samus' horizontal movement along the ground (turning, running, moving left/right while in morph ball, probably moonwalk and some others) 80E6D - 20 7E 9A = JSR that seems to handle Samus' non-running speed and turning left/right (including turning while in the air) 80E70 - 20 A9 8E = JSR that handles Samus' running and non-running speed and turning left/right (including turning while in the air); replacing the values with EA EA EA causes her to remain in place on the ground; only way to move around is to jump 80ED0 - 20 64 E4 to EA EA EA = Samus is unable to move left; instead, running left makes Samus run backwards while going to the right; running right works normally; no longer recognizes downhill slopes 80EDB - 20 50 93 to EA EA EA = Samus is unable to move left at all, even in the air; the only ways are when she steps forward a few pixels during the stopping animation after ceasing to run or horizontal shinesparking 80ED7 - 20 B1 93 to EA EA EA = Samus is unable to move right at all, even in the air; the only ways are when she steps forward after a few pixels during the stopping animation after ceasing to run or horizontal shinesparking 80E67 - 20 3E 97 to EA EA EA = Disables the run function completely, no longer allowing Samus to go beyond the default left/right speed or use the speed booster 80ECB - 20 AD E4 to EA EA EA = Samus runs slowly to the right and never gains speed, even after the blue speed booster effect has kicked in; no longer recognizes downhill slopes 86467 - 20 E6 E4 to EA EA EA = Samus runs slowly to the left and never gains speed, even after the blue speed booster effect has kicked in; no longer recognizes downhill slopes A172B - 20 43 95 to EA EA EA = Samus no longer enters the running animation, causing her to slide back and forth along the ground in the standing position at a slow speed; makes spin jumps and speed booster impossible to use A1702 - 20 F5 95 to EA EA EA = Player is forced to press up 3 times to de-morph if Samus is rolling along the ground at the time; pressing up once still works if she's sitting still 8F6CE - 22 49 90 80 to EA EA EA EA = Removes the sound of spinning jumps while facing right; doesn't seem to affect the space jump sound 82648 - 9C 2C 0B to EA EA EA = Disables mockball completely; if springball is equipped, Samus simply bounces into the air as the mockball is initiated, effectively preventing her from traveling along the ground in ball form at any speed faster than basic rolling; unequipped, she simply loses speed normally after morph-landing 82638 - 20 C7 92 to EA EA EA = Disables mockball in the same exact way as described above 82569 - 20 B8 92 = JSR; breakpoint triggers at LoROM 90A569 when Samus rolls left/right while in morph ball 82566 - 20 64 8E = JSR; breakpoint triggers at LoROM 90A566 when Samus rolls left/right while in morph ball 82546 - 20 48 93 = JSR; breakpoint triggers at LoROM 90A546 when Samus is entering morph ball form, sitting still while morphed, beginning to roll left/right or coming to a stop; doesn't trigger while she's moving 80EE7 - 20 D1 9B = JSR; no obvious breakpoint triggers at LoROM 908EE7 80EF7 - 20 7E 9A = JSR; no obvious breakpoint triggers at LoROM 908EF7 80F16 - 20 50 93 = JSR; no obvious breakpoint triggers at LoROM 908F16 80E78 - 20 D1 9B = JSR; no obvious breakpoint triggers at LoROM 908E78 80E6A - 20 D1 9B = JSR; no obvious breakpoint triggers at LoROM 908E6A 10B71 - 22 B4 85 84 = JSL; breakpoint triggers perpetually at LoROM 828B71; appears to be what enables PLM and most BTS to function 80C31 - 22 52 8A 8B = JSL; no obvious breakpoint triggers at LoROM 908C31 80B8A - 22 AE 89 81 = JSL; no obvious breakpoint triggers at LoROM 908B8A 865E9 - 22 53 DE 91 = JSL; no obvious breakpoint triggers at LoROM 90E5E9 82F41 - 22 49 90 80 = JSL; no obvious breakpoint triggers at LoROM 90AF41 8F6D7 - 22 49 90 80 = JSL; no obvious breakpoint triggers at LoROM 91F6D7 8F692 - 22 58 EC 90 = JSL; breakpoint triggers at LoROM 91F692 on the exact frame that a spin jump is initiated while facing right, or when Samus turns from left to right while in a spin jump 8F66F - 22 53 DE 91 = JSL; breakpoint triggers at LoROM 91F66F when Samus turns in the opposite direction she's facing during a spinning jump 80E15 - 22 58 EC 90 = JSL; breakpoint triggers at LoROM 908E15 on the exact frame that a room begins to fade in from black as Samus enters 98179 - E9 22 00 = SBC; breakpoint triggers at LoROM 938179 for 2 frames after a shinespark ends, when the 2 "duplicate Samuses" fly away from her 8F625 - 23 0A 29 FF to 22 0A 29 0F = Prevents Samus from losing momentum by turning left/right during a spinning jump, allowing her to zig-zag back and forth rapidly through the air at higher speeds 80EBE - 80 0B to EA EA = BRA; Eliminates the "sling" momentum that occurs when Samus runs to the right and suddenly jumps or turns to the left A155C - C2 20 = #$REP 20; Breakpoint triggers at LoROM 94955C during any horizontal movement by Samus 8267F - 20 64 8E to EA EA EA = Removes the "skid" sequence that activates when Samus turns around suddenly while running, allowing her to stop completely at that exact frame 82682 - 20 3F 92 = JSR; breakpoint triggers at LoROM 90A682 for every frame of the "Samus turning around" animation; only triggers when she's standing on the ground 82685 - 22 53 DE 91 = JSL; breakpoint triggers at LoROM 90A685 for every frame of the "Samus turning around" animation; only triggers when she's standing on the ground 8693D - 22 00 80 91 = JSL; breakpoint triggers at LoROM 90393D on the very last frame of the "Samus turning around" animation while on the ground or in the air; also triggers during 2 frames when she lands from a jump 8F6F3 - 22 58 EC 90 = JSL; breakpoint triggers at LoROM 91F6F3 on the exact frame that a spinning jump is initiated while facing left 983A3 - 22 4B 8A 81 = JSL; breakpoint triggers at LoROM 9383A3 on all frames between a bomb being laid, and Samus beginning to fall back down from the explosion 82579 - 20 3F 92 to EA EA EA = If Samus de-morphs in the air, she remains in-place while crouched, allowing her to jump again and morph/de-morph repeatedly to travel upward or anywhere else on-screen 100859 - 22 4D 83 93 to EA EA EA EA = Makes bombs and their explosions invisible; power bombs themselves are invisible but the yellow explosion remains 10B6D - 22 04 81 86 to EA EA EA EA = Makes enemies disappear instantly when killed; they still make the hurt noise, but there is no explosion, sound or item drops 303A9 - 20 D6 83 to EA EA EA = Makes all "enemy death explosions" invisible, as well as the items they drop after dying 86A87 - AD 6A 0A = Breakpoint triggers perpetually at LoROM 7E0A6A on "read" setting; seems to constantly check until health has dropped to 29 or below (to initiate warning beep)? 86AA7 - 8D 6A OA = Breakpoint triggers once on "write" setting at at LoROM 7E0A6A the exact frame that the warning beep is initiated upon dropping to 29 health or below 285A5 - 22 EF 89 82 = Breakpoint triggers at LoROM 8585a5 for every frame that the black message box is loading and closing when collecting items ======= BEAM / MISSILE RELATED =========== 82F21 - 9D to 9E = Causes every beam and charged shot except anything combined with wave to remain in-place if fired to the left or right; angled shots go straight up or down 82F2B - 9D to 9E = Causes every beam and charged shot except anything combined with wave to remain in-place if fired straight up or down; angled shots go straight left/right 838CD - 9D to 9E = removes the trails from ALL beams 839C4 - 9D to 9E = removes the trails from ALL charged beam combinations 982F7 - 22 A9 B6 90 to EA EA EA EA = Removes ALL trails; this includes charged/uncharged shots for every beam, missiles/super missiles, and SBAs; no other effects noticed; breakpoint at LoROM 9382F7 triggers perpetually 982D7 - 22 4B 8A 81 to EA EA EA EA = Makes all beams, charged shots, missiles and super missiles invisible; nothing else affected 98231 - 22 B7 AD 90 to EA EA EA EA = When missiles, beams and bombs 'explode' after hitting a solid surface, the final animation frame remains on-screen; after 5 shots/missiles and 5 bombs, no more of either can be used until entering another room 83B56 - 9D to 9E = Increases the speed of the beam charging animation 83B99 - 9D to 9E = Increases the speed of the beam charging animation even more 83B56 - 9D to 80 = removes only the beam charging animation, but Samus still flashes and the sound works normally 83B05 - D0 to 80 = removes beam charging sound and animation; instead, Samus flashes silently once beam is charged; sound returns after a spinning jump until shot is fired 83B3E - D0 to 80 = removes only the beam charging sound; sound returns after a spinning jump until shot is fired 83BA2 - D0 to 80 = removes only the dots/particles from the beam charging animation 83B7C - 9D to D0 = causes the charging animation to slowly cycle through the green bomb explosion frames and probably some others; if the charge is held too long, the game slows down and eventually freezes until the shot is fired 83B90 - 9D to 9E = Causes the large spark at the tip of Samus' gun during charging to cycle through its animation frames much slower than usual; looks kind of cool 83B90 - 9D to 80 = Causes the large spark at the tip of Samus' gun during charging to cycle through its animation frames much slower than usual, but disappear briefly each time the cycle restarts 83A58 - 0A 0A 0A 0A AA to AA AA AA AA AA = disables all beams and missiles; charge animation still works, but no shot is fired. Firing in the air while facing left or right produces a sound, but no beam. Firing a super missile only causes a screen shake 830F9 - 9D to 9E = only allows the first beam trail to show up for uncharged wave and uncharged wave/ice 830D8 - 9D to 9E = only allows the first beam trail show up for ice/wave/spazer/charged, wave/ice/charged, wave charged, wave/ice/plasma/charged - any other beams/combinations have normal trails 838D6 - 9D to 9E = makes wave beam go straight and no longer pass through walls; makes plasma and spazer use only their original 8x8 graphic ( makes them go right through enemies, though. :[ ) 839D0 - 9D to 9E = makes charged spazer/plasma/wave shots use their original 8x8 uncharged graphic ( makes them go right through enemies, though. :[ ) 83B5F - 9D to 9E = makes only the first frame of charging up show when you charge 82F03 - D0 to 80 = removes the trail from charged power beam, ice beam, and charged ice beam 82F00 - DE to 9E = LOTS of beam trails plain ice beam; one every frame of movement, skips occasionally and looks ugly, but still kind of funny 830D4 - 2E to 06 = LOTS of beam trails ice/wave/plasma/charged, ice/wave/spazer/charged 830D3 - D0 to 80 = removes beam trails for ice/wave/plasma/charged, ice/wave/spazer/charged, ice/wave/charged 830F4 - D0 to 80 = removes the beam trails from wave and ice/wave 830F4 - D0 to 8C, 9C, 43, 6B, C2 = LOTS of beam trails behind wave and ice/wave 830F4 - D0 to 54 = makes wave and ice/wave go absolutely crazy; sometimes produces nothing but part of a trail, other times it flies rapidly around the screen and covers a wide area. Vertical/diagonal shots seem to do nothing, and the effect apparently depends on where Samus is located and which direction she's facing 830F4 - D0 to 44 = same as above, but the wave trails are small greenish puffs of dust 830DB - 22 57 B6 90 to EA EA EA EA = Removes the beam trails from charged wave, charged wave/ice, wave/spazer/ice/charged, wave/plasma/ice/charged 838E8 - 22 00 80 93 to EA EA EA EA = Disables all beams and missiles, charged shots sometimes still work, sound still plays; releasing a charged shot sometimes causes Samus to remain pale 839E2 - 22 00 80 93 to EA EA EA EA = Disables all charged shots; shooting sound still plays; releasing a charged shot sometimes causes Samus to remain pale 838D9 - 29 to 2D = Mutes the sound of any uncharged beam with wave combined 838E1 - 22 21 90 80 to EA EA EA EA = Mutes the sound of all uncharged beam shots 838D9 - 29 to EA = Replaces the sound of all uncharged shots with the sound of the power beam shooting; firing rapidly sometimes produces the sound of ice beam 838DA - 0F to 0D = Replaces the sound of all uncharged shots with the sound of their "base" beam; ice beam = power shot, spazer/wave/ice = spazer shot, etc.; no observable side-effects 838DA - 0F to EA = Replaces the sound of uncharged spazer/ice and wave/spazer/ice with the original ice beam shot sound 830F4 - D0 to 60 = makes wave and ice/wave beams stay in place and bob up/down; limit 5 per room, missiles can't be fired, but bombs can still be used to open doors; in-place wave shots appear every 1-2 screens horizontally 82F55 - 22 3B A2 94 to EA EA EA EA = Upward-angled shots remain in-place in the air and disappear when off-screen, downward-angled shots go straight down; affects all beams and charged shots except ones with wave combined 83A40 - C3 B0 F3 AE C3 B0 F3 AE C3 B0 F3 AE C3 B0 F3 AE C3 B0 F3 AE C3 B0 AD 1C 0A 0A 0A 0A AA A4 14 AD Change the six "B0" values to 60. All charged beam shots will stay in the air where they are fired; limited to 5 shots per room, missiles can't be fired, but bombs can still be used to open doors; in-place charged shots appear every 1-2 screens horizontally. Replacing some B0 values with 60 but not all will most likely only give this effect to certain charged beams. Haven't tested it myself. Changing "F3" to "F9" will disable charged shots for that particular beam. 830F9 - 9D to 9E = Removes all but 1 trail from wave and wave/ice beam uncharged shots, which only appears once from the tip of Samus' gun 82F08 - 9D to 9E = Removes all but 1 trail from all beams and charged shots that DON'T have wave combined with them, which only appear once from the tip of Samus' gun 8311C - 9D to 9E = Angled shots go straight left or right, up/downward shots stay in place and disappear if you leave the screen, only affects wave beam and any combinations with wave, including charged shots 8311C - 9D to 2E = Angled shots move in a crazy trajectory, up/downward shots stay in place and disappear when another is fired, only affects wave beam and any combinations with wave, including charged shots 8311B - C3 to 9E = Angled shots either vanish completely or are only visible for a few frames, crazy trajectory, up/downward shots sometimes vanish, only affects wave beam and any combinations with wave, including charged shots 8311D - F0 to 9E = Angled shots have slightly more horizontal trajectoy than normal, no other noticable changes; only affects wave beam and any beams combined with it, including charged shots 83144 - DE to 80 = If 2 angled shots are fired, the second shot remains in-place and shots go faster; speed of shot increases for every additional beam that gets stuck in the air; maximum possible stuck shots is 4; stuck shots clear if you leave the screen, only affects wave beams and any combinations with wave, including charged shots. 83968 - 22 97 B1 90 to EA EA EA EA = Slows down the acceleration of all beams; charged shots and missiles are not affected 83A32 - 22 97 B1 90 to EA EA EA EA = Slows down the acceleration charged shots for all beams; uncharged shots and missiles are not affected 83273 - 9D to 9E = Slows down the acceleration of all beams, including charged shots; only affects straight shots fired while facing right 832C3 - 9D to 9E = Slows down the acceleration of all beams, including charged shots; only affects straight shots fired while facing left 83294 - 9D to 9E = Slows down the acceleration of all beams, including charged shots; only affects shots fired straight down 83236 - 9D to 9E = Slows down the acceleration of all beams, including charged shots; only affects shots fired straight up 83968 - 22 97 B1 90 to 22 BC 98 90 = Slows down the acceleration for all beams; firing shots while in the air levitates Samus higher up (similiar to Cave Story's machine gun, but affects all directions) 83288 - 9D to 9E = Downward-angled shots fired while facing right have a much sharper vertical trajectory; affects all beams and charged shots; slightly affects missiles/super missiles 832A3 - 9D to 9E = Downward-angled shots fired while facing left have a much sharper horizontal trajectory; affects all beams and charged shots; slightly affects missiles/super missiles 832B0 - 9D to 9E = Downward-angled shots fired while facing left have a much sharper vertical trajectory; affects all beams and charged shots; slightly affects missiles/super missiles 832E5 - 9D to 9E = Upward-angled shots fired while facing left have a much sharper horizontal trajectory; affects all beams and charged shots; slightly affects missiles/super missiles 832F2 - 9D to 9E = Upward-angled shots fired while facing left have a much sharper vertical trajectory; affects all beams and charged shots; slightly affects missiles/super missiles 8325B - 9D to 9E = Upward-angled shots fired while facing right have a much sharper horizontal trajectory; affects all beams and charged shots; slightly affects missiles/super missiles 83264 - 9D to 9E = Upward-angled shots fired while facing right have a much sharper vertical trajectory; affects all beams and charged shots; slightly affects missiles/super missiles 82F59 - B0 to 60 = Upward-angled or downward-angled shots fire straight left/right; affects all beams and charged shots that do not have wave combined A22AA - 20 B5 A1 to EA EA EA = All beams and charged shots go through walls and doors if fired straight left/right but still harm enemies; wave beam can still open doors A22B8 - 10 F0 to EA EA = All beams and charged shots go through walls like wave beam if fired straight left/right; nothing else affected A21CD - FC 75 A1 to EA EA EA = All beams, charged shots and missiles go through walls and doors if fired straight left/right; can still harm enemies A21BE - 4E C4 0D to EA EA EA = All beams, charged shots and missiles go through doors, slopes and "sharp" surfaces if fired straight left/right 8330A - 9D to 9E = Missiles and super missiles to remain in-place in the air, and move horizontally only when Samus moves forward; firing a super missile first limits you to 1 missile on-screen until you go through a door 83309 - C3 to 02 = Missiles to go slower than normal, and super missiles to remain in-place in the air unless Samus is moving while shooting it; moving super missiles sometimes vanish in thin air; suspended super missiles disappear if you leave the screen 83309 - C3 to F4 = Missiles and super missiles to move extremely fast 83309 - C3 to D4 = Missiles and super missiles to move extremely fast, and fire the opposite direction that Samus is facing or aiming 83309 - C3 to 62 = Missiles and super missiles to move so fast that they often go through walls or solid surfaces without exploding 83309 - C3 to 0B = Missiles to move at almost the same speed/acceleration as super missiles; missile/super missile speed increases quite a bit if fired during a spin jump 83355 - 9D to 9E = Downward-angled missiles and super missiles to go straight down, upward-angled missiles and super missiles to go straight up; straight left/right shots remain in place and vanish if you leave the screen; straight up/down shots function normally 8300C - 20 F6 B2 to EA EA EA = Super missiles remain in-place if fired while standing still, otherwise they move at the speed Samus was moving while they were fired; diagonal shots go straight left/right 82F96 - 9D to 9E = Left/right missiles move very slowly, diagonal missiles go straight up or down; missiles fired straight up or down behave normally; super missiles unaffected 82FA0 - 9D to 9E = Left/right missiles behave normally, diagonal missiles go straight left or right; missiles fired straight up or down move very slowly; super missiles unaffected *Applying both of the above changes at once causes missiles fired in ANY direction to move very slowly; super missiles unaffected 82FD6 - B0 to 60 = Diagonal missiles go straight left/right 8305E - 22 D9 A4 94 to EA EA EA EA = Diagonal super missiles go straight left/right 82F7D - 9D to 9E = Removes all but 1 smoke trail from missiles, which only appears once at the tip of Samus' gun as it fires 82FFB - 9D to 9E = Removes all but 1 smoke trail from super missiles, which only appears once at the tip of Samus' gun as it fires 82FFE - 22 57 B6 90 to EA EA EA EA = Completely removes the smoke trails from super missiles 83324 - 20 46 BF to EA EA EA = Removes the explosion graphics that super missiles produce when they strike a solid surface 98100 - 22 CB 90 80 to EA EA EA EA = Mutes the sound of missiles and super missiles exploding; nothing else affected A24B4 - 4A 4A 4A 4A to EA EA EA EA = Missiles and super missiles explode the moment Samus fires them; doesn't affect straight up/down shots A24D2 - 22 06 AE 90 to EA EA EA EA = Missiles and super missiles pass through walls if fired diagonally or horizontally; doesn't affect straight up/down shots 82E34 = This byte and most likely some other bytes surrounding it seem to handle what animation triggers when missiles and beams collide with solid surfaces 84CC0 - AD D2 09 to EA EA EA = Disables the special beam attacks that activate when charging ice, spazer, wave or plasma by themselves while power bombs are selected. ========= JUMP RELATED ========== 8E9E4 - A6 to 80 8E9EC - A7 to 80 Causes Samus to instantly enter morph ball whenever landing from a spinning jump 8E9E4 - A6 to 40 8E9EC - A7 to 40 Causes Samus to instantly enter morph ball whenever landing from a spinning jump, but reverses her horizontal direction and speed the instant she lands 8E9E4 - A6 to DB 8E9EC - 09 to DB Causes Samus to enter morph ball after landing, including the animation frames of her actually morphing; turns her in the opposite direction 8E9E4 - A6 to 9E 8E9EC - A7 to 9E Causes Samus to enter her "facing the camera" pose whenever landing from a spin jump; sometimes causes her to land running in the opposite direction 8E9E4 - A6 to 0A 8E9EC - 09 to DE Causes Samus to no longer lose speed after running and jumping; reverses the direction she's facing 8E9E4 - A6 to IC 8E9EC - 09 to IC Causes Samus to stay in the spin jump animation after landing; rolls along the ground with minimal control until she hits a wall; walljumping off and pressing up while in the air allows her to enter normal standing position again 8E9E4 - A6 to E3 8E9EC - 09 to E3 Causes Samus to aim her gun at an upward angle after landing from a spin jump; sometimes turns her around 8E9E3 - A9 to 60 8E9EB - A9 to 60 Causes Samus to remain in the spin jump animation after landing; allows you to "roll" back and forth along the ground or stop completely; pressing up or firing your weapon snaps her out of it. Could be useful with screw attack. 81EC5 - 06 to ?? Increases or decreases jump and spring ball height with hi-jump boots; 04 would be a lower jump, 08 would be higher; 02 would be extremely low, 0A would be extremely high, etc. 81110 - 05 to ?? Increases or decreases maximum fall speed; 03 would be slower, 07 would be faster; even at a much higher value like B0, it's not really noticable until you fall a little ways; 0A seems to be the ideal value for fastest falling without graphical errors 81EB9 - normal jump/springball height 81EC5 - normal jump/springball height (with high-jump boots) 81ED1 - walljump height 81EDD - walljump height (with high-jump boots) 81ED7 - sub-pixel momentum for walljump 81EE3 - sub-pixel momentum for walljump (with high-jump boots) 81EBF - sub-pixel momentum for normal jump/springball 81ECB - sub-pixel momentum for normal jump/spring ball (with high-jump boots) 8FCA9 - 22 BC 98 90 to EA EA EA EA Causes spinning jumps to have almost no height whatsoever 8FC94 - 22 BC 98 90 to EA EA EA EA Causes normal jumps to have almost no height whatsoever 88079 - 20 A9 81 to EA EA EA Player loses complete control of Samus once they enter a spinning jump until the lands, preventing them from firing her gun or even leaving the spinning animation; space jump still works 88162 - 20 A9 81 to EA EA EA Player loses almost complete control of Samus if they mid-air morph while travelling forward; she can still move forward or stop to fall straight down, but cannot move backwards; unable to de-morph while in the air 81046 - AD 36 0B to EA EA EA Spinning jumps always gain maximum height even if the player quickly taps the button once, including space jump 8100D - AD 4A 0B to EA EA EA Normal jumps cause Samus to slowly move forward through the air in whichever direction she's facing until she lands 8005B - AD 96 0A to EA EA EA During a normal jump, Samus keeps the same "knee-up" pose until she lands 80FF0 - 9C 2C 0B to EA EA EA Causes Samus to instantly enter her max fall speed after the peak of a normal jump ends; doesn't affect spin jumps or happen if she hits a ceiling 80FF3 - 9C 2E 0B to EA EA EA Causes Samus to quickly fall to the ground after a normal jump if the button is released before the peak; gains a few extra pixels of height at the peak 80FF9 - 8D 36 0B to EA EA EA Causes Samus to stay in-place in the air after a normal jump if the button is released before the peak; morphing or turning around causes her to fall normally 80FC6 - C9 55 00 to EA EA EA Normal jumps only gain height when pressing left/right after initiating the jump; firing or morphing causes her to drop down; pressing up and holding left/right during a spinning jump causes her to float horizontally 80FFF - 20 1F 9B to EA EA EA Disables left/right movement during normal jumps or spring ball; nothing else affected 80FFC - 20 D1 9B to EA EA EA Screen shakes rapidly during normal jumps while holding left/right; pressing left/right repeatedly sometimes sends Samus shooting off in random directions. 8103B - 20 E2 90 to EA EA EA Normal jumps only gain height when pressing left/right after initiating the jump; turning left/right causes Samus to descend, but she can float freely in either direction; morphing causes her to "land" and be able to move on foot 810BF - 20 E2 90 to EA EA EA Spinning jumps gain no height; during the spin, Samus is able to move along the ground or off edges to levitate through the air; falls normally once the spinning animation is exited; walljumps can be used to gain height 810BF - 20 E2 90 to 20 A9 8E Spinning jumps gain no height and move at maximum speedbooster speed, also allowing Samus to levitate horizontally; doing this at max speed doubles the possible maximum travel speed (and consequently glitches the graphics) 810B0 - 20 A9 8E to EA EA EA Unable to move left or right during a spinning jump 81163 - 20 EC 93 to EA EA EA Unable to gain any height from any jump; jumping over an edge allows Samus to "levitate" for the duration of the jump before beginning to fall like normal 81194 - 20 A9 8E to EA EA EA Samus falls straight down after running off of a ledge; unable to move left or right until she lands 81194 - 20 A9 8E to 20 E2 90 Samus falls straight down quickly after running off of a ledge; unable to move left or right until she lands 8119A - 20 E2 90 to EA EA EA Samus levitates in the air after running off of a ledge and is able to freely float left/right; turning left/right causes her to descend, and morphing causes her to fall normally; de-morping before landing resumes levitation 811A5 - 20 1F 9B to EA EA EA Samus is unable to move left/right after a mid-air morph until she lands or de-morphs again in the air ======= X-RAY RELATED ========== 8FD21 - 22 33 F4 91 to EA EA EA EA Using the X-ray scope produces some funny looking effects with Samus' sprite 8FD25 - 22 08 FB 91 to EA EA EA EA Samus turns to the left/right slower than usual while using the X-ray scope; looks more realistic, but the source of the X-ray's "beam" is out of place for a split-second during the turn e air after a normal jump if the button is released before the peak; morphing or turning around causes her to fall normally 80FC6 - C9 55 00 to EA EA EA Normal jumps only gain height when pressing left/right after initiating the jump; firing or morphing causes her to drop down; pressing up and holding left/right during a spinning jump causes her to float horizontally 80FFF - 20 1F 9B to EA EA EA Disables left/right movement during normal jumps or spring ball; nothing else affected 80FFC - 20 D1 9B to EA EA EA Screen shakes rapidly during normal jumps while holding left/right; pressing left/right repeatedly sometimes sends Samus shooting off in random directions. 8103B - 20 E2 90 to EA EA EA Normal jumps only gain height when pressing left/right after initiating the jump; turning left/right causes Samus to descend, but she can float freely in either direction; morphing causes her to "land" and be able to move on foot 810BF - 20 E2 90 to EA EA EA Spinning jumps gain no height; during the spin, Samus is able to move along the ground or off edges to levitate through the air; falls normally once the spinning animation is exited; walljumps can be used to gain height 810BF - 20 E2 90 to 20 A9 8E Spinning jumps gain no height and move at maximum speedbooster speed, also allowing Samus to levitate horizontally; doing this at max speed doubles the possible maximum travel speed (and consequently glitches the graphics) 810B0 - 20 A9 8E to EA EA EA Unable to move left or right during a spinning jump 81163 - 20 EC 93 to EA EA EA Unable to gain any height from any jump; jumping over an edge allows Samus to "levitate" for the duration of the jump before beginning to fall like normal 81194 - 20 A9 8E to EA EA EA Samus falls straight down after running off of a ledge; unable to move left or right until she lands 81194 - 20 A9 8E to 20 E2 90 Samus falls straight down quickly after running off of a ledge; unable to move left or right until she lands 8119A - 20 E2 90 to EA EA EA Samus levitates in the air after running off of a ledge and is able to freely float left/right; turning left/right causes her to descend, and morphing causes her to fall normally; de-morping before landing resumes levitation 811A5 - 20 1F 9B to EA EA EA Samus is unable to move left/right after a mid-air morph until she lands or de-morphs again in the air 8246E - AD A2 09 to EA EA EA Disables space jumping, but it still has the rapid spinning animation 824A4 - AD 2D 0B CD 97 9E 30 1C to EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA Enables space jumping at any time except while underwater, in which it behaves normally. Doesn't lose running speed during spinjumps by turning left/right. 824A4 - AD 2D 0B to EA EA EA Disables space jumping unless Samus has gravity suit equipped and is underwater. Doesn't lose running speed during spinjumps by turning left/right. 824A4 - AD 2D 0B CD to EA EA EA EA Allows much quicker space jumps at any time while in the air. 824A7 - CD 97 9E to EA EA EA Enables space jumping at anytime except after Samus falls too far like normal. Doesn't lose running speed during spinjumps by turning left/right. 824C4 - 22 BC 98 90 to EA EA EA EA Disables space jumping completely, and Samus doesn't lose running speed during spinjumps by turning left/right. 824BE - 8F 2D B4 09 to EA EA EA EA Spinning jumps descend slower than usual with space jump equipped, and space jumping can be done by simply holding jump button. When in water, spinning jumps with space jump equipped sink much slower. 8249E - 9D 9E 10 26 to EA EA EA EA Space jumping in the air behaves normally. Underwater, space jumps can be done quickly and at any time, even after falling long distances. 82493 - F0 0F AD to EA EA EA Space jumps can be done quickly and at any time while spinning in both air and water, even after falling long distances. 82441 - 22 58 EC 90 to EA EA EA EA Space jump works underwater without gravity suit. 8243D - 04 00 D0 27 to EA EA EA EA Space jump no longer works under water with gravity suit, and has a slightly different sound. Space jumping in air behaves normally. 824F1 - 22 49 90 80 to EA EA EA EA Mutes the slowed down spinjump sound when it's done underwater without the gravity suit. ======= X-RAY RELATED ========== 8FD21 - 22 33 F4 91 to EA EA EA EA Using the X-ray scope produces some funny looking effects with Samus' sprite 8FD25 - 22 08 FB 91 to EA EA EA EA Samus turns to the left/right slower than usual while using the X-ray scope; looks more realistic, but the source of the X-ray's "beam" is out of place for a split-second during the turn 85DD3 - 22 D6 CA 91 to EA EA EA EA Disables using the X-ray visor, though it can still be selected in the HUD (found by DSO) ========== MORE MISCELLANEOUS CRAP =============== 882A7 - 2C BE 09 to EA EA EA Disables aiming at an upward angle 8034E - A0 00 00 = LDY #0000; breakpoint triggers at LoROM 90834E for 1 frame each time Samus' standing animation loops 83CBE - 9C D6 0C 9C D8 0C 9C DA 0C 9C DC 0C 9C DE 0C 9C E0 0C This chunk of bytes seems to handle cycling through HUD icons; haven't figured out the exact function yet 119558 - 22 4D 91 80 to EA EA EA EA = Removes the humming sound of elevators when going up/down 11956E - 20 12 96 to EA EA EA Allows Samus to use an elevator whenever she is touching it (doesn't have to be standing in the center) 119601 - 22 4D 91 80 to EA EA EA EA After an elevator takes Samus to a new area, the humming sound doesn't stop until she steps off of it. 1195B0 - 01 to 02-08 Makes elevators move faster (going up; before room transition); changing the value to anything higher than 08 causes graphical errors 1195EC - 01 to 02-08 Makes elevators move faster (going up; after room transition); changing the value to anything higher than 08 causes graphical errors 119595 - 01 Makes elevators move faster (going down; before room transition); changing the value to anything higher than 01 causes graphical errors 1195D2 - 01 to 02-08 Makes elevators move faster (going down; after room transition); changing the value to anything higher than 08 causes graphical errors 840AB - AD A2 09 to EA EA EA Disables using bombs, but power bombs still work normally 8458A - AD A2 09 to EA EA EA Causes the HUD to skip over the grapple beam icon, even though Samus has the item 845AE - AD A2 09 to EA EA EA Causes the HUD to skip over the X-ray visor icon, even though Samus has the item A0F49 - 64 14 to EA EA Allows Samus to move through walls while facing right. Quite easy to get permanently stuck, though. 8EC50 - AD 46 0B to EA EA EA Holding the run button and tapping left/right causes Samus to run very slowly. Almost works perfectly, except that she doesn't enter the "gun held outward" pose when beams/missiles are fired, causing them to shoot from her body instead. DB498 - 20 B6 B4 to EA EA EA When Samus dies, just as her suit shatters, the screen turns blue and her body becomes a white silhouette DB7B6 - 22 BE ED 92 to EA EA EA EA When Samus dies, just as her suit would shatter, she disappears 86AA0 - 22 4D 91 80 to EA EA EA EA Disables the warning beep that activates when Samus' health is low