Super Metroid Game Genie codes by Grime of I don't care if you post this on your site or distribute it. I'll add more codes eventually. 44E4-C909 Prevents Samus from losing speed by turning left/right during a spinning jump. 3CC8-456F Allows space jumping by simply holding the jump button. Space jump also falls a bit slower in the air, and much slower in water. 3CCB-40AF 3CCB-49DF 3CCB-490F Space jumping can be done faster and at any time, even after falling long distances. 3C81-11D4 3C81-1104 Slows down the acceleration of all beam shots. 3C87-C064 3C87-C0A4 Slows down the acceleration of all charged beam shots. 3C8A-10AD Slows down the acceleration of all beam shots AND charged beam shots. B3CB-3967 B3CC-30D7 Missiles move very slowly, almost like torpedos. Doesn't affect super missiles. DB33-19D1 DC33-15D1 Samus' running speed doesn't reset after landing from a jump. DB3E-19A1 DC3D-C001 Samus' running speed doesn't reset after landing from a fall. 2D6B-19DF Renders the speedbooster harmless. Samus only runs faster; no blue echoes, damage to enemies, breaking through speed blocks or super jumping. D46B-19DF Blue speedbooster echoes and sound begin earlier than usual (roughly 1 screen's distance). D06B-19DF Blue speedbooster echoes and sound begin much earlier than usual (roughly a half screen's distance). 3CE1-C5A9 3CE5-C0D9 3CE5-C009 3CE5-C069 Allows Samus to turn left/right in the air without losing the blue speedbooster echoes, and even walljump if it's done quickly enough. D1B8-C1A7 D1B3-49A7 Underwater jumps without Gravity suit go very high. D4B2-C0A7 D7B2-C5A7 Enables walljumping underwater without gravity suit. D6B2-C007 DCB2-C507 Walljumps go higher. D5C0-410D Samus travels much faster through the air after performing a walljump. 3CC0-490F Space jump works underwater/lava/acid without Gravity suit. DB8B-31A7 Bombs explode instantly. Use this if you suck at infinite bomb jumping. ;] D0BE-C907 Bomb jumps go about 4x higher. D6BE-C907 Bomb jumps go about 8x higher. FDBE-C907 Bomb jumps go insanely high. D6BE-C9A7 Bomb jumps underwater without gravity suit go very high. D6C7-400D Spring ball travels very quickly through the air when Samus jumps. D5B6-3107 D5C4-490D Samus rolls very quickly along the ground in morph ball form. EE67-4002 1E67-4062 EE67-1102 1E67-1162 Charge beam and its charged shot do insane damage. To give you an idea, Norfair Ridley dies in a single hit. DF21-1D6C Speeds up door transitions by eliminating the fade-to-black sequence.