Super Metroid Updated: 6/16/10 • The first 15 banks have $217AB (137131) bytes of free space. • Total estimated Free Space: $4CA4E (313934) bytes... roughly 9.5805 full banks. $80: 000000 Bytes Bank Description 988B 00188B $100 Initial HUD tilemap 998B 00198B $44 HUD icon tilemaps 9DBF 001DBF $28 HUD number tilemap values B437 003437 $1000 ** Unknown tilemaps (warnings?) ** CD8E 004D8E $3232 Free space FFC0 007FC0 $40 ROM header $81: 008000 Bytes -------- B14B 00B14B $2 ** Unused? Supposed to be start of button help tilemap ** B14D 00B14D $140 File Select Map layer 2 button help tilemap (most of it) B28D 00B28D $3E ** Unused? Supposed to be end of button help tilemap ** EF1A 00EF1A $FE6 Free Space FF00 00FF00 $60 Special Thanks to Staff FF60 00FF60 $A0 Free Space $82: 010000 Bytes -------- 964A 01164A $15 Map tilemap pointers (see bank B5) 965F 01165F $10 Map Screen area name tilemap pointers (indexed by area) 966F 01166F $18 Crateria area name tilemap on map screen 9687 011687 $18 Brinstar area name tilemap on map screen 969F 01169F $18 Norfair area name tilemap on map screen 96B7 0116B7 $18 Wrecked Ship area name tilemap on map screen 96CF 0116CF $18 Maridia area name tilemap on map screen 96E7 0116E7 $18 Tourian area name tilemap on map screen 96FF 0116FF $18 Ceres area name tilemap on map screen 9717 011717 $10 Map station bit table pointers (indexed by area) 9727 011727 $100 Crateria map station bit table 9827 011827 $100 Brinstar map station bit table 9927 011927 $100 Norfair map station bit table 9A27 011A27 $100 Wrecked Ship map station bit table 9B27 011B27 $100 Maridia map station bit table 9C27 011C27 $100 Tourian / Debug map station bit table 9D27 011D27 $100 Ceres map station bit table C 014 $ ignore this line, it's for Copy & Paste C45E 01445E $7 ** Unknown sprite at tile BF (letter F??) ** C465 014465 $2A # Map / Status screens - L and R button blinker C48F 01448F $11 # Map / Status screens - L button flash C4A0 0144A0 $11 # Map / Status screens - R button flash C4B1 0144B1 $2A # Map / Status screens - Start button flash C4DB 0144DB $16 # Map - Crateria area marker C4F1 0144F1 $16 # Map - Brinstar area marker C507 014507 $16 # Map - Norfair area marker C51D 01451D $16 # Map - Tourian area marker C533 014533 $16 # Map - Maridia area marker C549 014549 $20 # Map - Wrecked Ship area marker C569 014569 $D0 ** Sprite tilemap pointers for File Select / Game Over / Area Map / Map / ??? (marked by #) ** C639 014639 $110 Status Screen Samus tilemap - Varia Suit with Hi-Jump boots ** (unused beta?) ** C749 014749 $4 ** Unknown data, sprite coordinates? ** C74D 01474D $C Area marker sprite coordinate pointer table (indexed by area) C759 014759 $20 Crateria area marker sprite coordinates C779 014779 $20 Brinstar area marker sprite coordinates C799 014799 $8 Norfair area marker sprite coordinates C7A1 0147A1 $E Wrecked Ship area marker sprite coordinates C7AF 0147AF $14 Maridia area marker sprite coordinates C7C3 0147C3 $8 Tourian area marker sprite coordinates C7CB 0147CB $10 Map sprite coordinate pointer table - boss icon (indexed by area) C7DB 0147DB $10 Map sprite coordinate pointer table - missile recharge C7EB 0147EB $10 Map sprite coordinate pointer table - energy recharge C7FB 0147FB $10 Map sprite coordinate pointer table - map station C80B 01480B $10 Map sprite coordinate pointer table - save station C81B 01481B $10 ** Map sprite coordinate pointer table - elevator icons?? (unused?) ** C82B 01412B $10 ** Map sprite coordinate pointer table - unknown... ** C83B 01483B $62 ** Crateria map sprite coordinates, and? ** C89D 01489D $6E ** Brinstar map sprite coordinates, and? ** C90B 01490B $76 ** Norfair map sprite coordinates, and? ** C981 014981 $5A ** Wrecked Ship map sprite coordinates, and? ** C9DB 0149DB $6E ** Maridia map sprite coordinates, and? ** CA49 014A49 $52 ** Tourian map sprite coordinates, and? ** CA9B 014A9B $4E ** Ceres map sprite coordinates, and? ** CAE9 014AE9 $16 # File Select - Helmet icon turn / flash frame 1 CAFF 014AFF $16 # File Select - Helmet icon turn / flash frame 2 CB15 014B15 $16 # File Select - Helmet icon turn / flash frame 3 CB2B 014B2B $20 # File Select - Helmet icon turn / flash frame 4 CB4B 014B4B $20 # File Select - Helmet icon turn / flash frame 5 CB6B 014B6B $20 # File Select - Helmet icon turn / flash frame 6 CB8B 014B8B $20 # File Select - Helmet icon turn / flash frame 7 CBAB 014BAB $20 # File Select - Helmet icon turn / flash frame 8 CBCB 014BCB $C # File Select / Game Over - Missile cursor frame 1 CBD7 014BD7 $C # File Select / Game Over - Missile cursor frame 2 CBE3 014BE3 $C # File Select / Game Over - Missile cursor frame 3 CBEF 014BEF $C # File Select / Game Over - Missile cursor frame 4 CBFB 014BFB $70 # Area Map - PLANET ZEBES large text CC6B 014C6B $2A # Area Map - Crateria text CC95 014C95 $2A # Area Map - Brinstar text CCBF 014CBF $25 # Area Map - Norfair text CCE4 014CE4 $25 # Area Map - Tourian text CD09 014D09 $25 # Area Map - Maridia text CD2E 014D2E $39 # Area Map - Wrecked Ship text CD67 014D67 $66 # File Select - ** border around text 1 ** CDCD 014DCD $48 # File Select - ** File copy arrow 1 ** CE15 014E15 $48 # File Select - ** File copy arrow 2 ** CE5D 014E5D $70 # File Select - ** File copy arrow 3 ** CECD 014ECD $70 # File Select - ** File copy arrow 4 ** CF3D 014F3D $16 # ** Unknown sprite at tile B3 (ms directional button?) ** CF53 014F53 $C # ** Unknown sprite at tile 95 (fs/ms button for select?) ** CF5F 014F5F $7 # ** Unknown sprite at tile 91 (fs B button?) ** CF66 014F66 $16 # ** Unknown sprite at tile 90 (fs A button?) ** CF7C 014F7C $16 # Map - Samus' position marker ** frame 1 ** CF92 014F92 $16 # Map - Samus' position marker ** frame 2 ** CFA8 014FA8 $16 # Map - Samus' position marker ** frame 3 ** CFBE 014FBE $16 # Map - Boss dead [X] CFD4 014FD4 $C # Map - Samus' ship CFE0 014FE0 $16 # Game Over - metroid container top and bottom CFF6 014FF6 $7 # Game Over - metroid ** frame 1 ** (2x2 tile sprite) CFFD 014FFD $7 # Game Over - metroid ** frame 2 ** (2x2 tile sprite) D004 015004 $7 # Game Over - metroid ** frame 3 ** (2x2 tile sprite) D00B 01500B $A2 # File Select - ** border around text 2 ** D0AD 0150AD $CA # File Select - ** border around text 3 ** D177 015177 $D4 # File Select - ** border around text 4 ** D24B 01524B $AC # File Select - ** border around text 5 ** D2F7 0152F7 $124 # File Select - ** border around text 6 ** D41B 01541B $106 # File Select - ** border around text 7 ** D521 015521 $110 Status Screen Samus tilemap - Power Suit without Hi-Jump Boots D631 015631 $110 Status Screen Samus tilemap - Power Suit with Hi-Jump boots D741 015741 $110 Status Screen Samus tilemap - Varia Suit without Hi-Jump Boots D851 015851 $110 Status Screen Samus tilemap - Varia Suit with Hi-Jump boots F70F 01770F $8F1 Free Space $83: 018000 Bytes -------- AD66 01AD66 $529A Free Space $84: 020000 Bytes -------- EFD3 026FD3 $102D Free Space $85: 028000 Bytes Message Boxes (Guide) 8000 028000 $40 Top/bottom tilemap for wide messages 8040 028040 $40 Top/bottom tilemap for narrow messages 8080 028080 $1BF Message box ASM pt.1 823F 02823F $2 Clear tilemap value above/below messages 8241 028241 $1E5 Message box ASM pt.2 8426 028426 $10 Button letter tilemap values 8436 028436 $265 Message box ASM pt.3 869B 02869B $AE ** Message box pointer tables ** 8749 028749 $36 Unknown, data? 877F 02877F $40 Energy Tank message box tilemap 87BF 0287BF $100 Missile message box tilemap 88BF 0288BF $100 Super Missile message box tilemap 89BF 0289BF $100 Power Bomb message box tilemap 8ABF 028ABF $100 Grapple Beam message box tilemap 8BBF 028BBF $100 X-Ray Scope message box tilemap 8CBF 028CBF $40 Varia Suit message box tilemap 8CFF 028CFF $40 Spring Ball message box tilemap 8D3F 028D3F $40 Morphing Ball message box tilemap 8D7F 028D7F $40 Screw Attack message box tilemap 8DBF 028DBF $40 Hi-Jump message box tilemap 8DFF 028DFF $40 Space Jump message box tilemap 8E3F 028E3F $100 Speed Booster message box tilemap 8F3F 028F3F $40 Charge Beam message box tilemap 8F7F 028F7F $40 Ice Beam message box tilemap 8FBF 028FBF $40 Wave Beam message box tilemap 8FFF 028FFF $40 Spazer message box tilemap 903F 02903F $40 Plasma Beam message box tilemap 907F 02907F $100 Bomb message box tilemap 917F 02917F $C0 Map Data Access message box tilemap 923F 02923F $C0 Energy Recharge message box tilemap 92FF 0292FF $C0 Missile Reload message box tilemap 93BF 0293BF $100 Save initial message box tilemap 94BF 0294BF $40 Save Completed message box tilemap 94FF 0294FF $40 Reserve Tank message box tilemap 953F 02953F $40 Gravity Suit message box tilemap 957F 02957F $2 Unknown 00 00 (unused?), Free space? 9581 029581 $40 =>YES NO unused tilemap 95C1 0295C1 $40 =>YES NO replacement tilemap 9601 029601 $40 YES =>NO replacement tilemap 9641 029641 $2 Unknown 00 00 (unused?), Free space? 9643 029643 $69BD Free space $86: 030000 Bytes (Projectiles, maybe) F4A6 0374A6 $B5A Free Space $87: 038000 Bytes ? BG / FX1 Tile Animation / Boss Statues (Guide) 8000 038000 $B BG / FX1 animation on 800B 03800B $B BG / FX1 animation off 8016 038016 $11 Clear all initial load data pointers to zero, cancels all animations 8027 038027 $16 Locate a free spot for initial load data pointer 803D 03803D $27 Write initial load data using pointer 8064 038064 $21 Check for animation on/off, and any load data pointers to set up animation data 8085 038085 $2D Set up all animation data, runs any ASM that the data points to 80B2 0380B2 $5 Clear a single load data pointer to zero, cancels a single animation 80B7 0380B7 $5 Load next piece of data to use in Y, mostly used to loop animations 80BC 0380BC $18 |¯** Unknown Subroutine: these all end with RTS, but nothing jumps to them ** 80D4 0380D4 $8 | ** Unknown Subroutine: these are also all unused (beta statue stuff?) ** 80DC 0380DC $7 | ** Unknown Subroutine ** 80E3 0380E3 $C |_** Unknown Subroutine ** 80EF 0380EF $1 ** RTS ** 80F0 0380F0 $C |¯** Unknown Subroutine ** 80FC 0380FC $C | ** Unknown Subroutine ** 8108 038108 $C | ** Unknown Subroutine ** 8114 038114 $C | ** Unknown Subroutine ** 8120 038120 $13 | ** Unknown Subroutine ** 8133 038133 $C |_** Unknown Subroutine ** 813F 03813F $11 Check if a boss statue's 'death' event has already occurred, cancel animation if it has 8150 038150 $A Set statue death event on 815A 03815A $8 |¯** Unknown Subroutine ** 8162 038162 $8 |_** Unknown Subroutine ** 816A 03816A $14 BG Animation data, Ground / Ceiling Spikes 817E 03817E $14 BG Animation data, Wall Spikes 8192 038192 $14 BG Animation data, Crateria Water Surface in Background 81A6 0381A6 $14 BG Animation data, New & Old Tourian Lava / Acid 81BA 0381BA $11 Jump to check region boss' death bit, cancels animation if boss is not dead 81CB 0381CB $16 BG Animation data, Metroid on Monitor 81E1 0381E1 $16 BG Animation data, Treadmill, moving right 81F7 0381F7 $16 BG Animation data, Treadmill, moving left 820D 03820D $14 BG Animation data, Brinstar Sucker Plant 8221 038221 $14 BG Animation data, Falling Sand (ceiling tiles) 8235 038235 $14 BG Animation data, Falling Sand 8249 038249 $2 Null Pointer, cancels animation on unused load data pointers from bank 83 824B 03824B $48 BG Load data (animation data pointer, byte count, vram address) 8293 038293 $1E FX1 Animation data, Lava 82B1 0382B1 $1E FX1 Animation data, Acid 82CF 0382CF $1E FX1 Animation data, Rain 82ED 0382ED $16 FX1 Animation data, Flower Petals (Spores) 8303 038303 $1D Check boss death bit, loop eye animation if boss is alive, continue to 'death' if dead 8320 038320 $F Set up sprite data / SFX / ground shake for entire crystal shine and break sequence 832F 03832F $F Set up sprite data for boss statue spirit 833E 03833E $B Loop eye animation if (statue ID?) is negative 8349 038349 $9 Store (statue ID?) value, positive or negative as well 8352 038352 $9 Clear (statue ID?) to zero 835B 03835B $17 Clear 3 palette colors to zero / black (turns statue eyes black) 8372 038372 $D ** Partly unknown, but sets up data for palette fade from gold to gray ** 837F 03837F $1D Set boss statue color to gray palette when dead 839C 03839C $10 Boss statue dead palette, 8 colors 83AC 0383AC $68 Phantoon Data 8414 038414 $68 Ridley Data 847C 03847C $68 Kraid Data 84E4 0384E4 $68 Draygon Data 854C 03854C $18 Boss Statue Load data (Phantoon, Ridley, Kraid, Draygon; 6 bytes each) 8564 038564 $600 Crateria Water Surface in Background (3 frames) 8B64 038B64 $300 New & Old Tourian Lava / Acid (4 frames) 8E64 038E64 $80 Wrecked Ship Treadmill (moving right or left) (4 frames) 8EE4 038EE4 $180 Wrecked Ship Metroid in Background Monitor (3 frames) 9064 039064 $100 Free Space (X tiles) 9164 039164 $80 Maridia Falling Sand (4 frames) 91E4 0391E4 $100 Maridia Falling Sand Ceiling Tiles (4 frames) 92E4 0392E4 $80 Free Space (X tiles) 9364 039364 $180 Phantoon Statue Eye (3 frames) 94E4 0394E4 $C0 Ridley Statue Eye (3 frames) 95A4 0395A4 $180 Draygon Statue Eye (3 frames) 9724 039724 $C0 Kraid Statue Eye (3 frames) 97E4 0397E4 $80 Dead Phantoon Statue Eye (1 frame) 9864 039864 $40 Dead Ridley Statue Eye (1 frame) 98A4 0398A4 $40 Dead Kraid Statue Eye (1 frame) 98E4 0398E4 $80 Dead Draygon Statue Eye (1 frame) 9964 039964 $2A0 Brinstar Sucker Plant (3 frames) 9C04 039C04 $180 CRE Ground / Ceiling Spikes (3 frames) 9D84 039D84 $180 CRE Wall Spikes (3 frames) 9F04 039F04 $660 Free Space (X tiles) A564 03A564 $140 (GAMEBOY Mode) - FX1 Lava (5 frames) A6A4 03A6A4 $140 (GAMEBOY Mode) - FX1 Acid (5 frames) A7E4 03A7E4 $90 (GAMEBOY Mode) - FX1 Flower Petals (spores) (3 frames) A874 03A874 $190 (GAMEBOY Mode) - FX1 Rain (5 frames) AA04 03AA04 $360 Free Space (blank tiles) AD64 03AD64 $600 Crystal shards, ghost, crystal shine sprites B364 03B364 $1600 Ridley and Phantoon Statue sprites and Statue Base sprite C964 03C964 $369C Free Space $88: 040000 Bytes (HDMA and tables, maybe) 8288 040288 $B HDMA on 8293 040293 $B HDMA off EE32 046E32 $11CE Free Space $89: 048000 Bytes -------- 8000 048000 $1100 Major Item PLMs (Bomb, Gravity, Spring Ball, Varia, etc.) 9100 049100 $700 Free Space (blank tiles) 9800 049800 $1201 ** Powerbomb Indirect Address HDMA table (points to RAM) ** AEFD 04AEFD $5103 Free Space $8A: 050000 Bytes FX1 Tilemaps and ??? E980 056980 $1680 Free Space $8B: 058000 Bytes -------- F760 05F760 $8A0 Free Space $8C: 060000 Bytes -------- F3E9 0673E9 $C17 Free Space $8D: 068000 Bytes (Palette animation / swapping, maybe) FFF0 06FFF0 $10 Free Space $8E: 070000 Bytes ? File Select / Options / Area Map Graphics 8000 070000 $3400 File Select / Options Layer 1 BG and Sprites B400 073400 $8E0 Area Map Layer 1 BG BCE0 073CE0 $120 Free Space (blank tiles) BE00 073E00 $E0 File Select Map sprites (unused beta) BEE0 073EE0 $120 Free Space (blank tiles) C000 074000 $1580 File Select / Options Layer 2 BG (letters are unused) D580 075580 $80 Free Space (blank tiles) D600 075600 $590 (GAMEBOY MODE) - HUD (unused beta) and Area Map Layer 3 BG DB90 075B90 $70 Free Space (blank tiles) DC00 075C00 $800 File Select / Options Layer 2 BG tilemap E400 076400 $100 File Select / Options / Area Map / File Select Map BG layer palettes E500 076500 $100 File Select / Options / Area Map / File Select Map sprite palettes E600 076600 $1A00 Free Space $8F: 078000 Bytes -------- E99B 07E99B $1665 ** Free Space (assuming data ends with 'FE FF' as previous bits do) ** $90: 080000 Bytes -------- F63A 08763A $9C6 Free Space $91: 088000 Bytes -------- FFEE 08FFEE $12 Free Space $92: 090000 Bytes -------- EDF4 096DF4 $120C Free Space $93: 098000 Bytes -------- F61D 09F61D $9E3 Free Space $94: 0A0000 Bytes -------- B19F 0A319F $1661 Free Space C800 0A4800 $1400 Samus' ship (bottom) and smoke from ship for Zebes escape sequence DC00 0A5C00 $400 Free Space $95: 0A8000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $96: 0B0000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $97: 0B8000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $98: 0C0000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $99: 0C8000 Bytes -------- EE20 0CEE20 $11E0 Free Space $9A: 0D0000 Bytes -------- 8000 0D0000 $100 ** Unknown layer palette ** 8100 0D0100 $100 ** Unknown sprite palette ** 8200 0D0200 $1800 Grapple beam shot graphics ** (CHECK UNUSED TILES) ** 9A00 0D1A00 $1800 Grapple beam arm cannon graphics ** (CHECK UNUSED TILES) ** B200 0D3200 $1000 Layer 3 FX1, HUD, minimap, message box graphics (Gameboy mode) C200 0D4200 $1000 Free Space (blank tiles) D200 0D5200 $400 Free Space (X tiles) FC20 0D7C20 $3E0 Free Space FC20 0D7C20 $3E0 Free Space FC20 0D7C20 $3E0 Free Space FC20 0D7C20 $3E0 Free Space $9B: 0D8000 Bytes -------- CBFB 0DCBFB $1405 Free Space FDA0 0DFDA0 $260 Free Space $9C: 0E0000 Bytes -------- FA80 0E7A80 $580 Free Space $9D: 0E8000 Bytes -------- F780 0EF780 $880 Free Space $9E: 0F0000 Bytes -------- F6C0 0F76C0 $940 Free Space $9F: 0F8000 Bytes -------- F740 0FF740 $8C0 Free Space $A0: 100000 Bytes -------- F7D3 1077D3 $82D Free Space $A1: 108000 Bytes -------- EBD1 10EBD1 $142F ** Free Space (assuming it starts here) ** $A2: 110000 Bytes -------- F498 117498 $B68 Free Space $A3: 118000 Bytes -------- F311 11F311 $CEF Free Space $A4: 120000 Bytes -------- F6C0 1276C0 $940 Free Space $A5: 128000 Bytes -------- F95A 12F95A $6A6 Free Space $A6: 130000 Bytes -------- B00F 13300F $A0 ** Free Space? Unsure if this isn't just some null pointer data ** FEBC 137EBC $144 Free Space $A7: 138000 Bytes -------- FF82 13FF82 $7E Free Space $A8: 140000 Bytes -------- F9BE 1479BE $642 Free Space $A9: 148000 Bytes -------- FB70 14FB70 $490 Free Space $AA: 150000 Bytes -------- F7D3 1577D3 $82D Free Space $AB: 158000 Bytes -------- F800 15F800 $800 Free Space $AC: 160000 Bytes -------- EE00 166E00 $1200 Free Space $AD: 168000 Bytes -------- F444 16F444 $BBC Free Space $AE: 170000 Bytes -------- FD20 177D20 $2E0 Free Space $AF: 178000 Bytes -------- EC00 17EC00 $1400 Free Space $B0: 180000 Bytes -------- EE00 186E00 $1200 Free Space $B1: 188000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet ** (and 0 Free Space) ** $B2: 190000 Bytes -------- FEAA 197EAA $156 Free Space $B3: 198000 Bytes -------- ED77 19ED77 $1289 Free Space $B4: 1A0000 Bytes -------- F4B8 1A74B8 $B48 Free Space $B5: 1A8000 Bytes ? Map Tilemaps 8000 1A8000 $800 Brinstar Map tilemap (left side) 8800 1A8800 $800 Brinstar Map tilemap (right side) 9000 1A9000 $800 Crateria Map tilemap (left side) 9800 1A9800 $800 Crateria Map tilemap (right side) A000 1AA000 $800 Norfair Map tilemap (left side) A800 1AA800 $800 Norfair Map tilemap (right side) B000 1AB000 $800 Wrecked Ship Map tilemap (left side) B800 1AB800 $800 Wrecked Ship Map tilemap (right side) C000 1AC000 $800 Maridia Map tilemap (left side) C800 1AC800 $800 Maridia Map tilemap (right side) D000 1AD000 $800 Tourian Map tilemap (left side) D800 1AD800 $800 Tourian Map tilemap (right side) E000 1AE000 $800 Ceres Map tilemap (left side) E800 1AE800 $800 Ceres Map tilemap (right side) F000 1AF000 $1000 Free Space $B6: 1B0000 Bytes ? Map / Status Screen Graphics (Guide) 8000 1B0000 $2000 Map / Status Screens and File Select Map Screen A000 1B2000 $2000 Status Screen C000 1B4000 $2000 Map / Status / File Select Map Screen sprites E000 1B6000 $800 Map / Status Screens and most of File Select Map Screen Layer 2 tilemap E800 1B6800 $800 Status Screen Layer 1 tilemap (tile swapped parts get overwritten) F000 1B7000 $100 Map / Status Screen BG layer palettes F100 1B7100 $100 Map / Status Screen sprite palettes F200 1B7200 $E00 Free Space $B7: 1B8000 Bytes -------- FD00 1BFD00 $300 Free Space $B8: 1C0000 Bytes ? CANDYLAND 8000 1C0000 $8000 All your Free Space are belong to it $B9: 1C8000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $BA: 1D0000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $BB: 1D8000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $BC: 1E0000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $BD: 1E8000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $BE: 1F0000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $BF: 1F8000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $C0: 200000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $C1: 208000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $C2: 210000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $C3: 218000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $C4: 220000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $C5: 228000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $C6: 230000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $C7: 238000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $C8: 240000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $C9: 248000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $CA: 250000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $CB: 258000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $CC: 260000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $CD: 268000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $CE: 270000 Bytes -------- B22D 27322D $4DD3 Free Space $CF: 278000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $D0: 280000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $D1: 288000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $D2: 290000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $D3: 298000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $D4: 2A0000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $D5: 2A8000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $D6: 2B0000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $D7: 2B8000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $D8: 2C0000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $D9: 2C8000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $DA: 2D0000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $DB: 2D8000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $DC: 2E0000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $DD: 2E8000 Bytes -------- - - $- No data yet (and 0 Free Space) $DE: 2F0000 Bytes -------- D1C0 2F51C0 $2E40 Free Space $DF: 2F8000 Bytes -------- D4DF 2FD4DF $2B21 The last Free Space is in captivity... the ROM data is at peace.