Metroid Construction
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-> Documents -> CRE palettes and their uses

Hey Hey, its me GF_Kennon, and there is always a little confusion about editing the CRE pallets, the Pallets 0-3, most people say to leave them be, but if your smart, you can use them just as easy as me.

In example pallets (the ones from crateria) and numbering them, this way, you can use my details below to stay clear of breaking the HUD with random colours, as well as to edit the HUD colours

Pallet 0

0 - Transparency
1 - Used for power bomb doors and acid - used for map related stuff?
2 - Used for power bomb doors and acid - used for map related stuff?
3 - Used for power bomb doors and acid - used for map related stuff?
4 - Used for most item pick-ups in the game (missile tanks, beams, grappling beam, etc.)
5 - Used for most item pick-ups in the game (missile tanks, beams, grappling beam, etc.)
6 - Used for most item pick-ups in the game (missile tanks, beams, grappling beam, etc.)
7 - Used for most item pick-ups in the game (missile tanks, beams, grappling beam, etc.)?
8 - Im not sure, need someone to confirm this, but looks like it can be used for anything ok
9 - MiniMap uses this, same with the Etank Buttons, the Red part of the mini map and energytanks
A - This is the white outline from the energytanks as well as the mini map tiles
B - This is the Black background to the Etanks, best to leave this black unless you know what your doing
C - This is just used for the white on the CRE, if your changing the CRE you can use this colour if you want
D - This is used for the Spent Reserve tanks icon and also used for the number and letter outline
E - This is the white used for the dots on the mini map and the numbers and letters
F - This, is the entire HUD black background. its best to leave this black unless you know what you are doing, and i mean it for this one o.o;


0 - Transparency
1 - Used for super missile doors - also used for selected equipment - used for map related stuff?
2 - Used for super missile doors - also used for selected equipment - used for map related stuff?
3 - Used for super missile doors - also used for selected equipment - used for map related stuff?
4 - Hardcoded to not dim while going through a door - used for UNselected equipment - used for gray doors and all door tubes
5 - Hardcoded to not dim while going through a door - used for UNselected equipment - used for gray doors and all door tubes
6 - Hardcoded to not dim while going through a door - used for UNselected equipment - used for gray doors and all door tubes
7 - Hardcoded to not dim while going through a door - used for UNselected equipment? - used for gray doors and all door tubes?
8 - Can be changed safely not used for anything
9 - Can be changed safely not used for anything
A - Can be changed safely not used for anything
B - Can be changed safely not used for anything
C - Hardcoded to not dim while going through a door
D - Mini Map Colours the main bit of the block, alt flash
E - Mini Map Colours the outline bit of the block, alt flash
F - Can be changed but as usual its the black of the pallet.


0 - Transparency
1 - Used For Doors - used for non selected equipment - used for map related stuff?
2 - Used For Doors - used for non selected equipment - used for map related stuff?
3 - Used For Doors - used for non selected equipment - used for map related stuff?
4 - Can be changed safely not used for anything
5 - Can be changed safely not used for anything
6 - Can be changed safely not used for anything
7 - Can be changed safely not used for anything
8 - Can be changed safely not used for anything
9 - Can be changed safely not used for anything
A - Can be changed safely not used for anything
B - Can be changed safely not used for anything
C - Can be changed safely not used for anything
D - Can be changed safely not used for anything
E - Can be changed safely not used for anything
F - Can be changed safely not used for anything


0 - Transparency
1 - Used For Doors - used for map related stuff?
2 - Used For Doors - used for map related stuff?
3 - Used For Doors - used for map related stuff?
4 - Can be changed safely not used for anything
5 - Can be changed safely not used for anything
6 - Can be changed safely not used for anything
7 - Can be changed safely not used for anything
8 - Can be changed safely not used for anything
9 - Can be changed safely not used for anything
A - Can be changed safely not used for anything
B - Can be changed safely not used for anything
C - Can be changed safely not used for anything
D - Can be changed safely not used for anything
E - Can be changed safely not used for anything
F - Can be changed safely not used for anything

This Document was made by James Phillip Kennon, and is for use on the Metroid Construction website, Distribution to other websites is not allowed.

MetroidConstruction is owned by James Phillip Kennon AKA GF_Kennon, Metroid and all related trade marks are copy right Nintendo.

If you find this document helped you dont forget to Credit GF_Kennon in your hack.

Thank you.

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